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. 2023 Aug;33(8):1409–1423. doi: 10.1101/gr.277722.123

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Targets of human KZFPs. (A) Bar graph showing the fraction of peaks over repetitive element (RE) families for all our conducted experiments (x-axis) (external data are shown in Supplemental Fig. S5), ordered by the most enriched family, indicated by the horizontal bar below along with the number of KZFPs for each category. Significant enrichments (FDR > 0.05) are shown in fully opaque colors whereas nonsignificant enrichments are transparent. The leftmost bar shows the percentage of the genome occupied by each RE family. Replicate experiments are indicated by black squares above the horizontal bar. Different aspects of each KZFP are shown below the horizontal bar: vK = variant KRAB according to Helleboid et al. (2019), REP/ACT = repressor and activator KZFPs according to Tycko et al. (2020), SCAN/DUF = KZFP carrying an additional SCAN or DUF3669 domain. Age: Black = >105 myo, dark gray = >105 myo years (placental mammals), light gray = > 74 myo years (primates), white = no data. The total number of peaks per experiment is indicated in brackets after the KZFP name below each bar. Names of KZFPs with new data are shown in saturated black; previously published KZFPs are shown in gray. (B) Bar graph showing the genome occupancy of targeted TE subfamilies. The left stack of bars shows the fractions of the genome covered by TEs, the central stack shows the coverage by all TE subfamilies which are targeted by a KZFP (FDR > 0.05), and the right stack shows the coverage of the TE subfamilies which are the primary target of one or more KZFPs (10% highest −log10[FDR]). Bars are colored according to the TE families to which the subfamilies belong, with the same color code as in A. (C) Age of KZFP and their target TEs. KZFPs (rows) are ordered by age, shown as a red line. Their targets are split into different subplots by family (excluding families targeted by <20 KZFPs) and their age is shown as black or gray bars with a dot on top. The gray level of the TE targets shows the level of enrichment of the given KZFP for the subfamily with black showing the target with the highest −log10(FDR) linearly scaling to 0 (white). If the KZFP is enriched on several subfamilies of the same family, the lowest FDR is shown. Red dots indicate KZFPs which are unlikely to interact with TRIM28 as defined by Helleboid et al. (2019). KZFPs with new data presented in this study are marked by a cross.