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. 2023 Oct 2;55(2):2261111. doi: 10.1080/07853890.2023.2261111

Table 1.

Detection of mSDC2 test in the high-risk and physical examination groups based on gender and age.

  Total High-risk group
Physical examination group
χ² P
Total Positive (n%) Negative (n%) Total Positive (n%) Negative (n%)
Total 1,560 9,943 932 (9.37) 9,011 (90.63) 5,117 208 (4.06) 4,909 (95.97) 136.071 <0.0001
 Male 8,077 4,917 524 (10.66) 4393 (89.34) 3,160 140 (4.43) 3,020 (95.57) 98.848 <0.0001
 Female 6,983 5,026 408 (8.12) 4618 (91.88) 1,957 68 (3.47) 1,889 (96.53) 47.806 <0.0001
 <20 122 102 2 (1.96) 100 (98.04) 22 0 (0) 22 (100)
 20–29 1,195 984 28 (2.85) 956 (97.15) 240 1 (0.42) 239 (99.58) 4.921 0.0265
 30–39 3,018 2,171 103 (4.74) 2068 (95.26) 960 10 (1.04) 950 (98.96) 26.233 <0.0001
 40–49 3,548 2,315 160 (6.91) 2155 (93.09) 1,420 27 (1.90) 1,393 (98.10) 46.450 <0.0001
 50–59 3,560 2,351 238 (10.12) 2113 (89.88) 1,519 72 (4.74) 1,447 (95.26) 36.293 <0.0001
 60–69 1,668 1,274 197 (15.46) 1077 (84.54) 650 59 (9.08) 591 (90.92) 15.217 <0.0001
 70–79 823 577 148 (25.65) 429 (74.35) 246 27 (10.98) 219 (89.02) 22.183 <0.0001
 ≥80 229 169 56 (33.14) 113 (66.86) 60 12 (20.00) 48 (80.00) 3.660 0.0557