Fig. 2. Comparison of MR effect sizes for MPB on skin cancer risk.
beta_IVW refers to the (fixed effect) inverse variance weighted MR effect estimate; p= corresponding two-sided z-test P-value of the beta_IVW estimate; MPB Male pattern baldness. Each panel illustrates the MR scatter plot for the association between genetically predicted MPB score and the log(OR) on various types of skin cancer. Each point represents a single MPB SNP instrument, with the corresponding horizontal and vertical error bars reflecting its standard error on the genetic association with MPB and skin cancers, respectively. Points in light blue are MPB variants that showed stronger evidence of association in the UKB subset independent of those used to derive the SNP-skin cancer association. The annotated SNPs on each panel refers to the SNPs identified as outliers via the MR-PRESSO outlier test. Apart from melanoma (right-bottom panel; which shows predominantly null findings), the IVW effect estimates derived using MPB variants after excluding the genetic outliers show strong attenuation of effect sizes towards the null. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.