Figure 3.
Difference between observed and predicted incidence by clinical stage of oropharynx and larynx tumors, corrected for total decline in incidence, in Belgium in 2020. Difference between observed and corrected-predicted incidence per clinical stage and by time period for (A) all oropharynx tumors, (B) oropharynx tumors in males, and (C) oropharynx tumors in females. (D) Difference between observed and predicted incidence of larynx tumors by sex and age group in 2020 and by time period. Difference between observed and corrected-predicted incidence per clinical stage in 2020 and by time period for (E) all larynx tumors, and (F) larynx tumors in males. Difference between predicted-corrected and observed incidence is significant if the 95% confidence interval (error bar) of the difference does not include zero.