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. 2023 Oct 3;330(13):1255–1265. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.17465

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Groupsa.

No. (%)
CPAP (n = 2097) No CPAP (n = 2089)
Age, mean (SD), y 61.1 (8.62) 61.4 (8.77)
Male 1720 (82.0) 1717 (82.2)
Female 377 (18.0) 372 (17.8)
BMI, median (IQR) 28.4 (25.9-31.2) 28.4 (26.0-31.1)
Lifestyle factors
Smoking status
Never 781 (37.3) 811 (38.9)
Former 774 (37.0) 773 (37.1)
Current 539 (25.7) 502 (24.1)
Current alcohol consumption 513 (26.1) 497 (25.6)
Obstructive sleep apnea measures
Apnea-hypopnea index, median (IQR)b 27.0 (18.0-41.0) 27.0 (18.0-42.0)
Oxygen desaturation index, median (IQR)c 24.0 (16.0-37.0) 24.0 (16.0-38.0)
Mean Sao2, mean (SD) 92.9 (5.45) 92.9 (4.81)
Minimum Sao2, mean (SD) 78.8 (6.84) 78.6 (8.01)
Proportion of time with Sao2 <90%, median (IQR), % 7.39 (2.19-19.3) 6.76 (2.20-19.2)
Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, median (IQR)d 6.00 (4.00-9.00) 6.00 (4.00-9.00)
Medical historye
Hypertension 1491 (71.2) 1475 (70.7)
Any transient ischemic attack 617 (29.5) 626 (30.0)
Diabetes mellitus 611 (29.2) 575 (27.6)
Antihypertensive drugs 1484 (70.9) 1501 (71.9)
Antiplatelet and antithrombotic drugs 1297 (62.0) 1287 (61.7)
Lipid-lowering drug 1118 (53.4) 1141 (54.7)
Antidiabetics oral medication 443 (21.1) 431 (20.6)
Insulin 130 (6.20) 132 (6.32)

Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); Sao2, arterial oxygen saturation.


See eTable 2 in Supplement for additional trial characteristics and to eFigure 2 in Supplement for the risk of bias assessment.


Apnea-hypopnea index (apnea was defined as an absence of airflow lasting ≥10 seconds). Hypopnea was defined as a reduction in airflow lasting ≥10 seconds, associated with oxygen desaturation. The apnea-hypopnea index was defined as the number of episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour of recording.


Oxygen desaturation index: mean number of desaturation episodes occurring per hour, where desaturation episodes are defined as a decrease in the mean oxygen saturation of ≥4% (over the last 120 seconds) that lasts for at least 10 seconds.


Epworth Sleepiness Scale: questionnaire routinely used to assess daytime sleepiness. Total score can range from 0 to 24. A score higher than 10 is associated with sleepiness.


Medical history data were obtained from the patients by evaluating the information in patient report, performing diagnostic tests, and specific forms and self-administered questionaries.


The categories of medications were established by the clinicians participating in the study.