Figure 3: CHI-induced memory deficits in RAWM and active avoidance.
(A) At 2 weeks post-injury, both the CHI- and sham-operated mice were able to learn the RAWM task, but the CHI mice made more errors compared to the sham mice (*** p < 0.0005); sham (n = 20/20 male/female); CHI (n = 20/20 male/female). The mice (C57BL/6J) were 3-4 months old at the time of surgery. (B) At 4 weeks post-injury, the CHI and sham-operated mice were able to learn the active avoidance task, but the CHI mice avoided fewer foot-shocks compared to the sham mice (*** p = 0.0005; **** p < 0.0001); sham (n = 10/10 male/female); CHI (n = 9/10 male/female). The mice (C57BL/6J) were 3-5 months old at the time of surgery. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. (A) This figure has been adapted from 12 and reproduced with permission. (B) This figure has been adapted from 13 and reproduced with permission.