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. 2023 Sep 22;56:e0073-2023. doi: 10.1590/0037-8682-0073-2023

TABLE 1: Positivity of Enterobius vermicularis in Brazil up to 2022, according year in wich the samples were obtained, city and state, population studied, age, number of individuals or samples, diagnostic technique, prevalence and reference.

Year in which the samples were obtained City/State Population studied Age Number of individuals or samples Diagnostic technique Positivity Reference
1984 Guaporé, Laje e Ribeirão, Pacaas-Novos/RO Indigenous All 639 Spontaneous sedimentation 2% Santos et al. 1985
1984 Guarulhos/SP Schoolers 6-16 years 913 Spontaneous sedimentation 1.9% (6-10 years = 2.6% Chieffi et al. 1988
11-16 years = 1%)
1987 Parque Xingu/MT Indigenous All 69 Flotation in Sodium Chloride 26.1% Ferreira et al. 1991
Spontaneous sedimentation
1986-1990 Campinas/SP Health center users All 770 NR 1.4% (1-7 years = 6%) Gioia 1992
(8-18 years = 0,9%)
(over 19 years = 0%)
1992 Campinas/SP Farm dwellers All 82 Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 1.4% (under 16 years old = 3.7%) Kobayashi et al. 1995
(over 16 years old = 0 %)
1989-1990 Uberlândia/MG Food handlers 20-66 years 264 Spontaneous sedimentation 1% De Rezende et al. 1997
1994 Uberlândia/MG Children 4 months-7 years 300 Spontaneous sedimentation 4% Machado et al. 1998
NR Sorocaba/SP Preschoolers Up to 5 years 1.050 Spontaneous sedimentation 1.2% Coelho et al. 1999
1992-1996 São José da Bela Vista/SP Public hospital users 0-68 years 1.032 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.2% Tavares-Dias and Grandini 1999
NR Niterói/RJ Preschoolers and daycare workers 1-6 years 340 (children) Spontaneous sedimentation 0.8% (children) Uchôa et al. 2001
Over 18 years 54 (staff) Flotation in Zinc Sulfate 0% (staff)
NR Campinas/SP Schoolers 6-11 years 146 Spontaneous sedimentation 5% Iñiguez et al. 2002
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether
NR Cascavel/CE General population All 251 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.4% Heukelbach et al. 2004
2001 Presidente Prudente/SP NR 1-12 years 1.000 Spontaneous sedimentation 1.9% Tashima and Simões 2004
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
Adhesive tape (when requested)
2001-2002 Doutor Camargo, Rural population All 181 Spontaneous sedimentation 8.8% Guilherme et al. 2004
Ivatuba, Floresta/PR (32- Floresta Flotation in Zinc Sulfate (Floresta = 31.4%
107- Ivatuva Ivatuva = 6.5%
42- Doutor Camargo) Doutor Camargo = 5.2%)
2003-2004 Eirunepé/AM NR 2 months-80 years 413 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.5% Araújo et al 2005
2002 Botucatu/SP Preschoolers 0-6 years 279 Spontaneous sedimentation 10.0% De Carvalho et al. 2006
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether
Adhesive tape
2002-2003 Uruguaiana/RS Preschoolers 5 months-6 years 1288 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.8% Chavez et al. 2006
2005-2006 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Pediatric patients with gastroenteritis 0-5 years 213 Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 0.5% Carvalho-Costa et al. 2007
1995-2005 Botucatu/SP Patients with appendicitis All 1.600 Histopathological 1.4% Da Silva et al. 2007
2005 Vespasiano/MG Preschoolers 1-5 years 176 Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 2.5% Barçante et al. 2008
1969-2004 Caxias do Sul/RS Schoolers 6-14 years 9.789 Spontaneous sedimentation (1969-1970) 8% Basso et al. 2008
Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether (1971-2004)
Adhesive tape (1980-1982)
1996 Abadia dos Dourados/MG Rural and Urban population All 376 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.5% (Rural population = Machado et al. 2008
1.1% Urban population = 0%)
1996-1997 Uberlândia/MG NR 0-15 years 160 Spontaneous sedimentation 8.8% Machado et al. 2008
2000 São Paulo/SP Children 2-14 years 120 Kato-katz Spontaneous sedimentation 1.7% Korkes et al. 2009
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2004 Presidente Bernardes/SP Children 0-6 years 101 Spontaneous sedimentation 8.9% Tashima et al. 2009
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2006 Berilo/MG Rural and Urban population 0-90 years 149 Kato-katz 2% Martins et al. 2009
Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether (Rural population = 1.6%
Urban population = 2.3%)
2007-2008 Coari/AM Preschoolers NR 211 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.4% Monteiro et al. 2009
NR Patos de Minas/MG Children 0-6 years 161 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.6% Silva and Gonçalves da Silva 2010
2007-2008 Chapadinha/MA General population All 3933 Spontaneous sedimentation 1% Silva et al. 2010
2006-2008 Porto Alegre/RS People with special needs 2-60 years 146 Spontaneous sedimentation 3.4% Silva et al. 2010
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2007 Manaus/AM General population 0-85 years 400 Spontaneous sedimentation 11% Oliveira et al. 2010
2008 Santa Isabel do Rio Negro/AM NR 0-5 years 113 (Adhesive tape) Adhesive tape 15% (Adhesive tape) Valverde et al. 2011
463 (Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether) Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 0.6% (Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether)
NR Natal/RN Children residing in orphanage 4-12 years 86 Adhesive tape 72.1% Campos et al. 2011
1996-1997 Uberlândia/MG Preschoolers and daycare workers All 180 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.2% Machado et al. 2010
2011-2013 Parnaíba/PI Food handlers 20-59 years 251 Spontaneous sedimentation 13% Fernandes et al. 2014
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
NR Miranda/MS Indigenous 1-33 years 134 Spontaneous sedimentation 3% Neres-Norberg et al. 2014
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
2010 Pelotas/RS Ostomized individuals All 71 Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 2.8% Santos et al. 2014
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2012 Florianópolis/SC Preschoolers 2-6 years 57 Spontaneous sedimentation 1.8% Santos et al. 2014
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2015 Londrina/PR General population Over 18 years 187 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.5% Benitez et al. 2016
Flotation in Zinc
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
2011-2014 Caxias do Sul/RS Food handlers All 331 NR 0.3% Porto et al. 2016
2010-2011 Ituiutaba/SP Preschoolers and daycare workers 0-10 years 181 (children = 140 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.3% (children) Moura et al. 2017
Over 18 years Staff = 41) Centrifuge-sedimentation in formaldehyde-ether 2.4% (staff)
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
2012-2013 Ribeirão Preto/SP NR 3-12 years 576 TF-Test Kit 7.3% Fonseca et al. 2017
NR São Matheus/ES intellectual and/or multiple deficiency 15-61 years 50 Spontaneous sedimentation 10.7% Oliveira Albuquerque and Andrade de Souza 2017
NR Duque de Caxias/RJ NR 1-85 years 180 Spontaneous sedimentation 13% Valença Barbosa et al. 2017
2015 Santo Antonio de Jesus/BA Rural population All 144 Spontaneous sedimentation 10.4% Andrade et al. 2018
Adhesive tape Kato-katz
2013 Sumidouro/RJ General population 2-87 years 294 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.7% Barbosa et al. 2018
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
2016 Ipê/RS Rural and Urban population 6-11 years 124 Spontaneous sedimentation 20% Zanotto et al. 2018
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2008-2009 (Viçosa) Viçosa e Muriaé/MG Rural and Urban population All 419 (Viçosa) Spontaneous sedimentation 0.95% (Viçosa) Iasbik et al. 2018
2007-2015 (Muriaé) 1832 (Muriaé) 0.05% (Muriaé)
2016 João Pessoa/PB Schoolers 5-16 years 150 Spontaneous sedimentation 5.7% Monteiro et al. 2018
Para-test kit
2013 Diamantina/MG Quilombola community All 78 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.0% Eustachio et al. 2019
2018 Bandeirantes/PR Schoolers 10-15 years 112 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.9% Almeida et al. 2020
Flotation in Zinc
2015 Maceió/AL General population All 1.581 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.4% Araújo et al. 2020
2017-2019 Vitória da Conquista/BA Children and adolescents attending non-governmental organizations 4-17 years 116 Spontaneous sedimentation 2.6% Alves et al. 2021
2016 Foz do Iguaçu/PR Preschoolers 3-5 years 178 Spontaneous sedimentation 1.7% Ferreira et al. 2021
Flotation in Zinc Sulfate
2015-2016 Sinop/MT Preschoolers and Schoolers 3-12 years 646 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.8% Carvalho et al. 2022
Flotation in Zinc
Flotation in Sodium Chloride
2017-2019 Rio Branco/AC General population All 53.199 Spontaneous sedimentation 0.1% Sinhorin et al. 2022

NR: Not reported.