Fig. 3.
Evolutionary correlation among floral traits in Thalictrum by multivariate Brownian motion. Correlation matrices are shown for: (A) reproductive floral organs (stamens and carpels); (B) the carpellate dataset (from carpellate and hermaphroditic flowers); and (C) the staminate dataset (from staminate and hermaphroditic flowers). The heat map shows the maximum a posteriori estimates of the correlation coefficient for significant correlations; grey denotes no significant correlation, while orange indicates a positive correlation (except on the diagonal, where it represents each trait against itself). No negative correlations were found. (D) Mirror trees exemplifying ancestral state reconstructions for two floral traits: anther size (left, with images to exemplify range) and style length (right, with images to exemplify range), highlighted in white in panel A. Inferred maximum a posteriori values (inverse log + 1) for ancestral nodes and tips are depicted with a colour gradient on the phylogeny. The known pollination mode for species with field studies is shown for reference: i, insect pollination; w, wind pollination; and w + i, ambophily (both). Scale bar within images = 1 mm.