Table 2.
Effect of the experimental conditions on postural parameters. Mean values (±SD) of postural parameters showing a significant experimental condition effect.
Parameters | Vision condition | Mandibular position | Acquisition time |
Sway area (mm2) Planned contrasts |
V: 204 ± 127 NV: 297 ± 205 ------------------------ V < NV *** ES = 0.56 |
EOmin: 200 ± 171 EOmax: 311 ± 287 --------------------- EOmin < EOmax*** ES = 0.55 |
First 25.6 s: 227 ± 132 Last 25.6 s: 274 ± 196 ------------------------ First < Last 25.6 s * ES = 0.28 |
Romberg Quotient Planned contrasts |
NS | EOmin: 2.19 ± 1.36 EOmax: 1.63 ± 0.74 ICP: 1.58 ± 0.82 ---------------------- EOmin > EOmax* ES = 0.53 EOmin>ICP** ES = 0.56 |
NS |
Mean Length (mm) Planned contrasts |
V: 210 ± 69 NV: 274 ± 87 ------------------------ V < NV*** ES = 0.82 |
NS | NS |
Mean antero-posterior position (mm) Planned contrasts |
V: 4 ± 22 NV: 1 ± 22 ------------------------ V < NV*** ES = 0,21 |
NS | NS |
V: with vision, NV: without vision; ES: effect size; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; NS: not significant.