Effects of BMSCs-Exos on chondrogenesis. (A) BMSCs-Exos induced mRNA expression of genes in chondrocytes. (B, C, D) Immunofluorescence images of BMP7, Smad5 and Runx2 proteins. (E) Quantification of BMP7, Smad5 and Runx2 flurescence. (F) Western blotting of proteins in chondrocytes combined with transfected CSCPs, which were induced by BMSCs-Exos. (G) Protein expression in chondrocytes, as assessed with semi-quantification. M-Exos, BMSCs-Exos; CF, cartilage fragment; OE, over expression; *, and *** indicate p < 0.05, and p < 0.001, respectively.