Study design for biomarker development, dietary intake calibration, and disease-association analysis. Postmenopausal women were aged 50–79 y at enrollment during 1993–1998 at 40 United States clinical centers. Green, blue, and gray boxes indicate cohort (disease association, calibration, and biomarker development), timing of data collection (WHI enrollment for OS or year 1 for DM-C, NPAAS, NPAAS-FS) and corresponding analysis stage, respectively. Gray arrows indicate parent-cohorts of participants who were recruited for NPAAS-FS. Participants in the disease-association analyses were without prior personal history of the disease category under analysis, and had all data needed for intake calibration and confounding control. Notation for data collected (X∗, W, Q, V) and analysis were based on Huang [23] with pertinent regression variables shown along the X-axis (predictor variables), Y-axis (response variables), and line plots (developed biomarker; calibrated developed biomarker; estimated HR) of each regression-icon. 1NPAAS-FS includes n = 14 women who had previously participated in NPAAS. DM-C, DM comparison group; FS, feeding study; NPAAS, Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Study; OS, Observational Study; WHI, Women’s Health Initiative.