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. 2023 Oct 5;3:132. doi: 10.1038/s43856-023-00358-x

Table 1.

CGM-related clinical trial publications included in the systematic review (2012–2022).

Author; year of publication; Trial Cohort if applicable; analysis type: primary (P), secondary (S), extension (E), (PRO) System or product studied Locations (trial sites) Study designa Age range (yrs) HbA1c (%) range # Random-ized Trial duration (mos) Primary outcome Comparator/ assessed measure Sig (Y/N) Funding
Mauras25 DirecNet (P) Abbott FreeStyle Flash USA RCT 4–9 ≥7 146 6 HbA1c SMBG N NIH-NICHHD, -NCRR, -RMR
Battelino22 SWITCH (P) Medtronic Guardian REAL-Time Clinical Austria, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain Rcrossover 6–70 7.5–9.5 153 6 HbA1c SMBG Y Medtronic
Rasbach38 (PRO) Dexcomb USA RCT 8–17 6.5–10 120 24 Survey CGM self-efficacy Y NIH-NIDDK, Katherine Adler Astrove Youth Education Fund, Maria Griffin Drury Pediatric Fund, Eleanor Chesterman Beatson Fund
Bolinder20 IMPACT (P) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden RCT 2–17 7.5–11 241 6 Hypoglycemia SMBG Y Abbott
El-Laboudi31 JDRF-CGM (S) Dexcom Seven, Medtronic Enlite, or Abbott Freestyle Libreb UK RCT ≥8 7–10 448 6 Glycemic variability SMBG Y
vanBeers14 IN CONTROL(P) Medtronic Enlite Netherlands Rcrossover 18–70 Any 52 4 TIR SMBG Y Eli Lilly and Sanofi, in-kind support Medtronic
Soupal26 COMISAIR (P) Medtronic Enlite or Dexcom G4 Czech Republic NRP >18 7–10 65 12 HbA1c SMBG Y Agency for Healthcare Research (AZV) Czech Rep.
Polonsky39 DIaMonD (PRO) Dexcom G4 USA RCT ≥25 7.5–10 158 6 Survey QOL Y Dexcom
vanBeers37 IN CONTROL (PRO) Medtronic Enlite Netherlands Rcrossover 18–70 Any 52 11 Survey Emotional well-being Y Eli Lilly and Sanofi
Beck21 DIaMonD (P) Dexcom G4 USA RCT (2:1) ≥25 7.5–10 158 6 HbA1c SMBG N Dexcom
Heinemann18 HypoDE (P) Dexcom G5 Germany RCT ≥18 ≤9 163 6 Hypoglycemia SMBG N Dexcom
Oskarsson29 IMPACT (S) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden RCT ≥18 ≤7.5 167 6 TBR SMBG N Abbott
Guilmin-Crepon19 Start-In! (P) Medtronic Enlite France RCT (1:1:1) 2–17 7.5–11 151 12 HbA1c SMBG N French Health Ministry
Raviteja15.(P) Medtronic iPRO 2 Prof. CGM India RCT 2–10 <12 68 3 HbA1c SMBG Y
Marsters30 (S) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb New Zealand RCT 13–20 ≥9 64 6 Cutaneous SMBG Y Cure Kids, Australasian Pediatric Endocrine Group, University of Otago
Pratley16 WISDM (P) Dexcom G5 USA RCT ≥60 <10 203 6 TBR SMBG Y JDRF, Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (HCT), NIH-NCRR, -NCATS, in-kind support Dexcom
Soupal33 COMISAIR (E) Medtronic Enlite or Dexcom G4 Czech Republic NRP >18 7–10 94 36 HbA1c SMBG Y AZV, Ministry of Health Czech Rep, Dexcom
AlHayek27, April (P) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb Saudi Arabia NRP 13–19 187 3 Survey Diabetes distress Y None for study conduct; Publication fees by Abbott
AlHayek36, July (PRO) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb Saudi Arabia NRP 18–40 95 3 Survey Diabetes distress Y None for study conduct; Publication fees by Abbott
Seyed-Ahmadi28 GOLD (S) Dexcom G4 Sweden Rcrossover ≥18 ≥7.5 137 17.25 TBR SMBG Y Swedish State (ALF agreement)
Laffel17 CITY (P) Dexcom G5 USA RCT 14–24 7.5–11 153 6 HbA1c SMBG Y HCT, in-kind support Dexcom
Lind34 SILVER (E) Dexcom G4 Sweden Rcrossover ≥18 ≥7.5 107 12 HbA1c SMBG Y Swedish State (ALF), Dexcom
Secher23 (P) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flashb Denmark RCT (1:1:1:1) ≥18 >7 170 6 TIR SMBG N Capital Region of Denmark
Xu13 (P) Abbott FreeStyle Libre 1 flash China RCT (1:1:1) 10–19 7–10 80 6 HbA1c SMBG Y National Key Research and Development Program, NSF of China, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission-Gaofeng Clinical Medicine
Elbalshy24 (P) Abbott FreeStyle Libre flash vs. addition of MiaoMiao version 2 New Zealand Rcrossover 2–13 55 4 Survey CGM, Parental FOH N Dept Women’s & Children’s Health Research Grant, Dunedin School of Medicine, Freemasons New Zealand, Health Research Council, Lottery Health Research
Miller35 WISDM (E) Dexcom G5 USA RCT ≥60 <10 203 12 Hypoglycemia SMBG Y JDRF, HCT, Public Health Service Research Grant, in-kind support Dexcom
VanName32 SENCE (E) Dexcom G5 USA RCT (1:1:1) 2–8 7–9 143 12 TIR SMBG N HCT, in-kind support Dexcom

aAll trials, if randomized, were randomized 1:1 unless the randomization scheme is listed in this column. RCT randomized controlled trial, RcrossoverT randomized crossover trial, NRP non-randomized prospective.

bNo further specification of the device in the paper.

SMBG self-monitoring blood glucose, TIR time in range (70–180 mg/dL).

PRO patient-reported outcome, TBR time below range (<70 mg/dL).