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. 2023 Oct 5;3:132. doi: 10.1038/s43856-023-00358-x

Table 3.

AID-related clinical trial publications included in the systematic review (2012–2022).

Author; year of publication; trial cohort if applicable; analysis type: primary (P), secondary (s), extension (E), (PRO) System or product studied Locations (trial sites) Study designa Age range (yrs) HbA1c (%) range # Random-ized Trial duration (mos) Primary outcome Comparator/ assessed measure Sig (Y/N) Funding
Buckingham82 DirecNet/ TrialNet (P) Hybrid closed-loop control: Medtronic Paradigm or Revel with Sof-sensor USA RCT (2:1) 6–45 NA 68 12 C-peptide Usual care N NIH-NICHD
Phillip89 MD-Logic Camp (P) MD-Logic Artificial Pancreas system: Medtronic Paradigm Veo and Enlite sensor Germany, Israel, Slovenia Rcrossover 10–18 7–10 56 0.067 Hypoglycemia SAP Y Sanofi, Slovenian National Research Agency, in-kind support Medtronic, Intel Israel, Dell Israel, Yael Software and Systems
Russell93 Bionic Pancreas (P) Bionic pancreas: Tandem tslim X2 and Dexcom G4 USA Rcrossover ≥12 52 0.33 Plasma glucose Usual care Y NIH-NIDDK, HCT, Earle Charlton Fund for Innovative Research in Diabetes, Frederick Banting Foundation, Ralph Faber, and John Whitlock
Thabit92 APCam8; AP@home04 (P) FlorenceD2A closed-loop system: Dana R Diabecare pump and Abbott FreeStyle Navigator II Austria, Germany, UK Rcrossover ≥6 7.5–10 or <10b 58 3 TIR SAP Y Eli Lilly and Sanofi, in-kind support Medtronic
Nimri88 MD-Logic Home (P) MD-Logic Artificial Pancreas system: Medtronic Paradigm Veo and Enlite sensor German, Israel, Slovenia Rcrossover 10–65 7–9 75 1.5 TBR SAP Y Sanofi, in-kind support Medtronic
Tauschmann91 APCam11 (P) FlorenceM closed-loop system: Medtronic modified 640 G, Enlite 3 sensor, and Cambridge algorithm USA, UK RCT ≥6 7.5–10 86 3 TIR SAP Y JDRF, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Center, Wellcome Strategic Award
Brown81 iDCL (P) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT (2:1) ≥14 Any 168 6 TIR SAP Y NIH-NIDDK
Benhamou77 Diabeloop WP7 (P) Diabeloop Generation 1: Cellnovo patch-pump with Diabeloop application and Dexcom G5 France Rcrossover ≥18 ≤10 68 3 TIR SAP Y French Innovation Fund, Diabeloop
Kovatchev85 Feb Project Nightlight (P) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA Rcrossover 18–70 93 2.5 TBR SAP Y NIH-NIDDK
Breton80 iDCL (P) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT 6–13 5.7–10 101 4 TIR SAP Y Tandem, NIH-NIDDK
Kovatchev84 iDCL (P) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT ≥14 <10.5 127 3 TBR SAP Y NIH-NIDDK
McAuley86 Closed-Loop (P) Medtronic 670 G and Enlite 3 sensor Australia RCT 25–70 ≤10.5 120 6 TIR Pump/MDI Y, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia
Bergenstal78 FLAIR (P) DreaMed MD-Logic artificial pancreas algorithm with Medtronic 670 G and Guardian 3 sensor USA, Germany, Israel, Slovenia Rcrossover 14–30 7–11 113 6 TAR AID algorithm Y NIH-NIDDK
Kanapka96 iDCL (E) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT 6–13 5.7–10 101 7 TIR SAP Y Tandem, NIH-NIDDK, in-kind support Tandem
Collyns83 (P) Medtronic 670 G and Guardian 3 sensor New Zealand Rcrossover 7–80 <10 60 3 TIR PLGS Y Medtronic, Otago University
Abraham76 Closed-Loop (P) Medtronic 670 G and Guardian 3 sensor Australia RCT 12–25 ≤10.5 172 6 TIR Usual care Y, Special Research Initiative of NHMRC, PCH Foundation, in-kind support Medtronic, Roche Diabetes Care
Choudhary79 ADAPT (P) Medtronic 780 G and Guardian 3 sensor UK, France, Germany RCT ≥18 ≥8 82 6 HbA1c CGM/MDI Y Medtronic
Renard87 FREELIFE-KID (P/E) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 France RCT 6–12 <10 120 4.5 TIR 24/7 vs E/N Y French Health Ministry
Ware90 DAN05 (P) (1) a modified Medtronic 640 G and Guardian 3 sensor (FlorenceM), (2) Dana Diabecare RS pump and Dexcom G6 (CamAPS FX) USA, UK RCT 6–18 7–10 133 6 HbA1c Pump Y NIH-NIDDK, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Center and Wellcome Strategic Award, in-kind support Abbott, Dexcom, Medtronic
Ekhlaspour94 April iDCL (S) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT (2:1) ≥14 Any 168 6 TIR Usual care N NIH-NIDDK, in-kind support Tandem
Ekhlaspour95 Aug iDCL (S) Tandem tslim X2 with Control IQ and Dexcom G6 USA RCT (2:1) ≥14 Any 168 6 TIR By HbA1c Y NIH-NIDDK, in-kind support Tandem

aAll trials, if randomized, were randomized 1:1 unless the randomization scheme is listed in this column. RCT randomized controlled trial, RcrossoverT randomized crossover trial, NRP non-randomized prospective.

bAges ≥18 required an enrollment HbA1c 7.5–10% and ages 6–18 HbA1c < 10%.

MDI multiple daily injection, TAR time above range (>180 mg/dL).

TIR time in range (70–180 mg/dL), TBR time below range (<70 mg/dL).