YM155 induces apoptosis in cells by interacting with RIPK2. (A) Western blot analysis of Survivin levels in U87-EGFRvIII cells treated with YM155 for 24 hours following shRNA RIPK2 knockdown. (B and C) Cell-viability values generated from Cell-titer glo assay 24 hours following YM155 and aYM155 treatment, respectively, in U87-EGFRvIII cells. (D) Western blot analysis of Survivin levels in HT-1080 cells treated with YM155 for 24 hours following shRNA RIPK2 knockdown. (E and F) Cell-viability values generated from Cell-titer glo assay 24 hours following YM155 and aYM155 treatment, respectively, in HT-1080 cells. (G and H) YM155 and aYM155, respectively, induced apoptosis in HT-1080 cells measured by Caspase-Glo 3/7 assay following shRNA mediated RIPK2 or SLC35F2 knockdown. (I) Chemical structure of cRIPGBM-PAP. (J) In vitro binding of cRIPGBM-PAP to recombinant human full-length RIPK2 in the absence or presence of competition using varying concentrations of YM155. (K) Band quantification from (D). Values are the mean of two replicates ± SD. Student’s t-test was used to assess significance (C, E-H). Data are means ± SD. n = 3 independent experiments. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 and ****P < 0.0001. NS = not significant.