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. 2023 Oct 4;6(10):e2336872. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.36872

Table. Prevalence of Diagnosed ADHD Among Children and Adolescents, 2017-2022.

Characteristic 2017-2018 2019-2020 2021-2022
Participants with ADHD P valuec Participants with ADHD P valuec Participants with ADHD P valuec P for trendd
No./totala % (95% CI)b No./totala % (95% CI)b No./totala % (95% CI)b
Overall 1459/13 434 10.20 (9.54-10.87) NA 1256/11 785 10.08 (9.33-10.83) NA 1383/12 390 10.47 (9.81-11.13) NA .93
Age, y
4-11 582/7122 7.85 (7.09-8.61) <.001 475/5893 7.66 (6.71-8.61) <.001 514/6427 7.54 (6.79-8.30) <.001 .46
12-17 877/6312 13.36 (12.32-14.39) 781/5892 13.15 (11.99-14.30) 869/5963 14.16 (13.09-15.23) .39
Male 1020/7001 13.71 (12.69-14.74) <.001 856/6048 13.12 (12.07-14.16) <.001 903/6375 13.42 (12.39-14.45) <.001 .46
Female 439/6433 6.59 (5.87-7.32) 400/5737 6.92 (6.02-7.81) 480/6015 7.38 (6.68-8.09) .19
Race and ethnicitye
Hispanic 230/3043 7.46 (6.29-8.63) <.001 230/2780 7.86 (6.61-9.11) <.001 263/3207 8.07 (6.91-9.22) <.001 .89
Non-Hispanic Black 196/1544 11.96 (9.90-14.01) 131/1299 9.51 (7.42-11.59) 143/1276 10.76 (8.58-12.94) .30
Non-Hispanic White 911/7308 11.57 (10.70-12.44) 794/6323 11.81 (10.73-12.89) 869/6185 12.43 (11.52-13.33) .45
Otherf 122/1539 7.88 (6.18-9.57) 101/1383 7.41 (5.65-9.16) 108/1722 6.59 (5.25-7.94) .12
Highest educational level of family members
<High school 145/1196 10.98 (8.96-13.00) .39 81/763 8.96 (6.26-11.67) .47 86/760 10.39 (7.85-12.93) .50 .82
High school 224/1913 10.96 (9.27-12.66) 202/1753 10.97 (9.10-12.85) 227/1899 11.36 (9.65-13.07) .85
≥College 1089/10 308 9.96 (9.21-10.72) 972/9258 10.01 (9.17-10.86) 1067/9715 10.29 (9.57-11.01) .95
Missing 1/17 4.68 (<0.01-13.97) NA 1/11 15.03 (<0.0141.55) NA 3/16 13.43 (<0.01-28.64) NA NA
Family income-to-poverty ratiog
<1.00 224/1484 12.98 (11.03-14.94) <.001 216/1473 13.71 (11.45-15.97) <.001 218/1475 13.27 (11.13-15.40) .002 .98
1.00-1.99 281/2254 11.89 (10.36-13.41) 294/2421 11.10 (9.55-12.65) 283/2539 10.59 (9.27-11.90) .14
2.00-3.99 363/3486 9.39 (8.17-10.61) 360/3687 8.49 (7.39-9.59) 377/3713 9.56 (8.47-10.65) .42
≥4.00 409/4177 9.43 (8.35-10.52) 386/4204 8.97 (7.87-10.08) 505/4663 9.90 (8.87-10.92) .44
Missing 182/2033 8.54 (7.09-10.00) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; NA, not applicable.


The number of participants was unweighted.


Prevalence of ADHD was weighted.


P value for overall differences in prevalence by stratum.


P for trend was calculated using a weighted logistic regression model, which included survey cycle as a continuous variable and was adjusted for age, sex, race and ethnicity, family educational level, and family income.


Race and ethnicity were self-reported and classified based on the 1997 Office of Management and Budget standards. Categories in the survey were Hispanic (multiple Hispanic; Puerto Rico; Mexican; Mexican American; Dominican [Republic]; Central or South American; other Latin American, type not specified; other Spanish; Hispanic/Latino/Spanish, nonspecific type; Hispanic/Latino/Spanish, type refused; Hispanic/Latino/Spanish, type not ascertained), not Hispanic/Spanish origin, non-Hispanic Black (non-Hispanic Black/African American only), non-Hispanic White (non-Hispanic White only), and other.


Other races and ethnicities included non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (individual only), non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native and any other group, non-Hispanic Asian (individual only), and other single and multiple races or declined to respond, no response, or unknown.


The ratio is the total family income divided by the poverty threshold.