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. 2023 Oct 4;13(10):e073320. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073320

Table 2.

Summary of evaluation and outcomes

Citation Study design Method Tool(s) Reported outcome(s)
Barajas, 202137 Mixed methods, quality improvement Postsurvey 7 dichotomous (yes/no); 2 open-ended questions Positive impact on insights, knowledge and anticipated behaviour change.
Barnabe et al 202138 Mixed methods Presurvey (1 week preintervention) and postsurvey (3 months postintervention). Satisfaction survey (1 week postintervention) Social Cultural Confidence in Care Scale; free-text questions; Experience survey Significant change in knowledge, skills, and approach to social and cultural factors. Intervention was reported as being relevant and meeting expectations.
Brewer et al, 202039 Qualitative longitudinal Postsurvey. Follow-up interview (6 months postintervention) Course feedback; structured interviews Major themes of ‘putting it into practice’ and ‘keeping it at the forefront’.
Chapman et al, 201440 Quantitative Presurvey and postsurvey Area human resources development/population health survey of participation in Aboriginal awareness training workshop Some change of perceptions towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Small effect on familiarity. No effect on attitudes.
Crowshoe et al, 201841 Mixed methods Presurvey (1-week preintervention) and postsurvey (3 months postintervention). Participant observations. Intervention satisfaction survey Onsite satisfaction evaluation; observations of participant engagement with content on day; online survey Significant improvement in knowledge, skills, awareness, confidence and approach to patient care. Strong agreement that the workshop met objectives and expectations.
Hinton et al, 201444 Mixed methods, action-oriented File audit 2009 vs 2011 audit of inpatient files Some improvements to the quality of recovery-oriented care, as shown through an increase in recording client social history, family issues and cultural factors.
Hulko et al, 202145 Mixed methods, community-based Presurveys and postsurveys, knowledge quizzes, and case study care planning. Talking circles. Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire; Indigenous Cultural Competency Knowledge Quiz; care plans for ‘Alice’; Talking Circle transcripts Improvement in the knowledge, skills and values of the nurse participants. Storytelling sessions were reported as being effective at building capacity.
Kerrigan et al, 202046 Mixed methods Postsurvey Likert-scale questions on Quality of Training; free-text questions Provided good to excellent information provided on all topics. Participants wanted further and more specific cultural education opportunities.
Kerrigan et al, 202247 Qualitative, participatory action Qualitative journal entries. Postintervention interviews Weekly reflections; feedback interviews Raised the critical consciousness of participants leading to self-reported attitudinal and behaviour change.
Liaw et al, 201548 Mixed methods, pragmatic Presurveys and post-surveys and patient file audits (6 months postintervention). Postintervention interviews Cultural Quotient questionnaire; file audit of health checks and clinical risk factors managed; follow-up interviews with staff, cultural mentors and patients Clinical practices improved their readiness to provide culturally appropriate care. Individual clinic staff improved their cultural strategic thinking.
Liaw and Wade, 201949 Mixed methods, cluster RCT File audit. Presurvey and postsurvey (12 months postintervention) Cultural Quotient questionnaire; audit of rates of healthcare claims and chronic disease risk factors. No significant change in Indigenous health check rates or cultural quotient scores.
Sauvé et al, 202251 Quantitative Presurvey and postsurvey Abridged Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy Significant increase in empathy, knowledge of Indigenous social determinants of health and motivation to engage with Indigenous patients in a culturally safe manner.
Wheeler et al, 202152 Mixed methods Presurvey and postsurvey. Training acceptability survey Cultural Capability Measurement Tool; additional adapted questions; acceptability survey Significant improvement in cultural capability, confidence, and skills. Significant change in motivation to improve health outcomes for Indigenous patients and reduce barriers. Acceptability of the intervention and perceived value-add to participant practice.