Connected Health Innovation Research Program (C.H.I.R.P.) Poster Presentations: A screenshot from the Building C.H.I.R.P. poster presented by a Brown Lab medical student at the Cardio-Oncology Innovation Network 2021 Summit trainee rapid abstract session, on December 11th 2021. The poster outlines the aims, results, and next steps of C.H.I.R.P. and includes Table 1. A similar poster was also presented at the Medical College of Wisconsin Medical Student Research Virtual Poster Session on September 20th 2020 by another Brown Lab medical student. Both poster presentations were valuable educational experiences for a trainee to receive feedback from experienced researchers on the program and prepare a poster, abstract and give the presentation. Opportunities for presenting their work and mentoring newer lab members have created an environment of education and collaboration. Programs like C.H.I.R.P. will be instrumental in training professionals to conduct digital health research while concurrently assessing current digital health capabilities. AI: artificial intelligence; BP: blood pressure; ECG/EKG: electrocardiogram; EHR: electronic health record; and HR: heart rate. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)