Fig. 3.
Zebrafish larvae (10 dpf) swimming in an open arena with interspersed microcapsulated food particles (AP100), acquired at 60 fps for 10 sec (Supplementary Videos 1,3). a, 3D height map and photometric composites of the zoomed-out FOV, projected across every 50th temporal frame (0.83 sec) to highlight dynamics. The height map assigns an arbitrary value to the otherwise empty background. b, Photometric and height map frames of a single tracked fish feeding on AP100. The first 5 frames are spaced by 500 ms while the remaining frames are spaced by 16.7 ms (the full frame rate). e, The same fish’s head height, elevation angle (pitch), and eye vergence angle (illustrated in inset) throughout the 10-sec video. c,f, Another example of a zebrafish feeding event. Note the change in eye vergence before and after the feeding event in both b and c. d, A zoomed-in region of a, showing 3 individual larvae in varying states of activity. The small red tracks are the drifting and floating AP100 food particles. Population-level analysis is summarized in Extended Data Fig. 1.