(a) The first principal component (“gradient”) of each connectivity mode is shown on the cortex. (b) The percent variance explained for the first 5 principal components of each connectivity mode. (c) The Pearson’s correlation between every pair of network gradients, visualized as a heatmap. CGE, correlated gene expression; RS, receptor similarity; LS, laminar similarity; MC, metabolic connectivity; HC, haemodynamic connectivity; EC, electrophysiological connectivity; TS, temporal similarity. (d) The Louvain community detection algorithm is applied to each connectivity mode across different resolution parameters (0.1 ≤ γ ≤ 6.0, in intervals of 0.1) and the number of ensuing communities is plotted as a function of γ. (e) For each connectivity mode, we show a single community detection solution for a specified γ, and we indicate the number of communities (n). The data underlying this figure can be found at https://github.com/netneurolab/hansen_many_networks.