Fig. 4. Rad52 binds to ssDNA using multiple binding sites.
Tryptophan quenching experiments with A poly(dT) or B (dT)84 reveal two ssDNA binding phases for Rad52 with sites sizes of 56 ± 3 and 158 ± 3, respectively. C Mass photometry analysis of (dT)84 or Rad52 + (dT)84 (1:0.1 or 1:1, Rad52decamer:ssDNA) show that a single Rad52 homodecamer binds to (dT)84. The small fraction of higher order Rad52 molecules also bind to ssDNA and behave as a single DNA-bound complex. D Tryptophan quenching of Rad52 as a function of ssDNA length shows that DNA lengths of >(dT)45 are required to observe maximal signal quenching. Data are representative of at least 3 independent replicates and error bars shown are +/− SEM for each data point. Source data are provided as a Source data file.