Figure 3.
Characterization of Treg transcriptional response to WT IL-2 and attenuated muteins in vivo. (A) UpSet plot visualizing intersections of significantly up/down-regulated differentially expressed genes (FDR<0.1) in WT vs PBS, H16R vs PBS and 3x vs PBS in the isotype control antibody-treated group. The numbers above the bars indicate the number of intersected genes. The total gene number for each category is shown on the left. (B) Heatmap with hierarchical clustering showing expression of all DEGs in (A) across treatment conditions. (C) Comparison of top representative Reactome pathways among the various groups of DEGs as in (A) top middle panel (for all DEGs). Only top 5 significantly enriched Reactome terms (adjusted p value<0.25) are shown. The color of dots represents increasing significance of the enriched pathways from blue to red and the size of the dot reflects the GeneRatio (Proportion of DEGs in a specific comparison group that associated with the given Reactome Term). Number of DEGs analyzed in the gene sets are in parentheses.