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. 2023 Aug 1;15:412–423. doi: 10.1016/j.xjon.2023.07.020

Table E1.

Clinical, pathologic, and CT findings in all patients

Clinical findings
Pathologic findings
Case no. Age at surgery (y) and sex Presentation/symptoms Fibrointimal hyperplasia Mural smooth muscle disarray and hyperplasia Mucoid extracellular matrix accumulation Mural fibrosis Fiber disorganization Fiber fragmentation
1 9 M Syncope on several occasions Absent Moderate Minimal Minimal Moderate Minimal
2 15 M Chest pain and syncopal attacks Absent Moderate Minimal Moderate Moderate Minimal
3 17 M Ventricular dysrhythmias Absent Moderate Minimal Minimal Moderate Moderate
4 15 F Syncope Minimal Moderate Marked Minimal Moderate Marked
5 9 M Chest pain Absent Marked Minimal Moderate Marked Marked
6 11 M Presyncopal episodes Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Moderate Moderate
7 9 F Asymptomatic, incidentally diagnosed on echo workup following adoption Minimal Moderate Minimal Minimal Moderate Marked
8 7 M Chest pain during a soccer game Absent Minimal Minimal Moderate Minimal Moderate
9 18 M Chest pain on exertion Absent Moderate Moderate Marked Moderate Minimal
10 13 M Chest pain on exertion Absent Minimal Moderate Marked Marked Moderate
11 8 M Asymptomatic; patient is known to have this condition since infancy Absent Absent Absent Minimal Minimal Minimal
12 12 F Chest pain on exertion Minimal Moderate Marked Minimal Moderate Moderate
13 12 M Presyncopal episodes Absent Moderate Marked Marked Marked Moderate
14 9 M Dizziness and “intestinal angina” Minimal Moderate Marked Moderate Moderate Moderate
15 10 M Chest pain Minimal Minimal Moderate Moderate Marked Moderate
16 15 F Incidentally discovered at the time of echo for murmur secondary to a large ASD Absent Moderate Minimal Marked Marked Moderate
17 13 M Incidentally diagnosed when evaluated for pectus excavatum and scoliosis Minimal Minimal Moderate Minimal Minimal Minimal
18 17 M Incidentally discovered at the time of radiofrequency ablation of his accessory pathway Minimal Minimal Moderate Moderate Minimal Minimal
19 7 F Chest pain, recurrent Minimal Minimal Minimal Absent Minimal Absent
20 14 F Chest pain after a 5-kilometer run Minimal Moderate Minimal Moderate Moderate Moderate
Case no. Intraoperative findings
CT measurements
Coronary artery with anomalous origin by direct inspection Coronary ostium morphology Intramural course CT length of presumed intramural course, mm Coronary artery with anomalous origin Sinus of origin Relationship between right and left ostia (same sinus) Take-off angle, degrees
1 LCA Slit-like N Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
2 RCA Narrowed Y, unspecified length 11.1 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 9.9
3 RCA Slit-like Y, 10-11.5 mm 15.2 RCA Left-sided sinus Two separate noncontiguous 11.8
4 RCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length 11.8 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 16.1
5 RCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length 12.2 RCA Above right sinus Not applicable 12.6
6 LCA Slit-like Y, 8 mm 10.3 LCA Right Two separate noncontiguous 9.1
7 RCA Not mentioned Y, 3 mm 4.7 RCA Above left sinus Two separate noncontiguous 18.7
8 RCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length 2.6 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 13.2
9 RCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
10 RCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length 8.6 RCA Above left sinus Two separate noncontiguous 12.1
11 RCA Slit-like Y, 8 mm 5.3 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 13.9
12 RCA Slit-like Y, 10 mm 9.7 RCA Above intercoronary commissure Not applicable 15.1
13 RCA Slit-like Y, 8 mm 6.4 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 18,7
14 LCA Slit-like Y, 6-7 mm 7.7 LCA Top of left noncoronary commissure with minimal extension to left sinus Not applicable 18.4
15 RCA Slit-like Y, 3.5 mm 4.6 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 17.3
16 RCA Slit-like Y, 2 mm 3.6 RCA Left Two separate noncontiguous 15
17 LCA Slit-like Y, unspecified length short 3 LCA Right Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 20.4
18 RCA Very narrowed Y, unspecified length 11.9 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 15.8
19 RCA Slit-like Y, 7 mm 7.3 RCA Left Two contiguous orifices adjacent to each other 16.2
20 RCA Slit-like Y, 9-11 mm 13.2 RCA Above right sinus Not applicable 8.5
CT measurements
Case no. CT proximal coronary minor dimension, mm CT proximal coronary eccentricity index Coronary artery course Distance from commissure, mm Crosses an ICC?
1 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
2 0.8 0.27 Interarterial 0 Crosses ICC
3 1.9 0.90 Unable to evaluate 3 Does not cross ICC
4 0.7 0.41 Interarterial 3 Crosses ICC
5 0.6 0.30 Interarterial 4 Does not cross ICC
6 1.4 0.35 Interarterial −2 Crosses ICC
7 0.7 0.33 Interarterial 4 Origin above ICC
8 1 0.43 Unable to evaluate 3 Crosses ICC
9 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
10 0.8 0.38 Interarterial 3 Crosses ICC
11 0.9 0.47 Interarterial 4 Crosses ICC
12 1.3 0.41 Interarterial 4 Does not cross ICC
13 1.5 0.43 Interarterial 0 Crosses ICC
14 1.1 0.58 Retroaortic (posterior to aortic root) 2 Does not cross ICC
15 0.9 0.47 Interarterial 0 Crosses ICC
16 1.8 0.40 Interarterial 0 Crosses ICC
17 2.6 0.63 Interarterial 2 Crosses ICC
18 1.2 0.29 Interarterial 2 Crosses ICC
19 1.2 0.60 Interarterial 3 Crosses ICC
20 1.3 0.20 Unable to evaluate 14 Does not cross ICC

CT, Computed tomography; M, male; F, female; ASD, atrial septal defect; LCA, left coronary artery; N, no; RCA, right coronary artery; Y, yes; ICC, intercoronary commissure.

Bicommissural aortic valve with anterior–posterior directed-commissures and left- and right-sided sinuses. Both coronary orifices were in or above the left-sided sinus.

Negative value = below the sinotubular junction.