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. 2023 Aug 16;12(18):18557–18567. doi: 10.1002/cam4.6460


Heterogeneous treatment effect of adjuvant chemotherapy.

Variables Baseline (radiation) Interaction terms
Exp(coef) 95% CI p‐Values Exp(coef) 95% CI p‐Values
A. Overall survival
40 to <50 years 0.553 0.259–1.182 0.127 1.684 0.383–7.415 0.491
50 to <60 years 0.886 0.435–1.808 0.74 1.346 0.33–5.482 0.678
60 to <70 years 0.98 0.455–2.11 0.959 1.8 0.387–8.38 0.454
≥70 years 0.585 0.077–4.445 0.604 1.34 × 10−6 n.c 0.995
Histology SCC 0.581 0.33–1.023 0.06 0.726 0.236–2.233 0.576
2 to <4 cm 2.023 0.596–6.86 0.258 0.434 0.069–2.734 0.374
≥4 cm 2.962 0.869–10.1 0.083 0.831 0.128–5.411 0.846
LVSI positive 2.16 1.009–4.623 0.047 4.239 0.484–37.13 0.192
Cervical stromal invasion ≥1/2 1.255 0.635–2.481 0.513 1.116 0.323–3.856 0.862
Uterine body invasion 0.1.344 0.646–2.797 0.429 0.419 0.074–2.368 0.325
Vaginal invasion 1.471 0.833–2.596 0.184 0.527 0.129–2.142 0.37
High‐volume center 0.766 0.425–1.379 0.374 0.703 0.175–2.825 0.619
B. Progression‐free survival
40 to <50 years 1.022 0.59–1.768 0.939 1.484 0.549–4.012 0.436
50 to <60 years 0.981 0.547–1.76 0.949 1.109 0.384–3.204 0.848
60 to <70 years 1.289 0.698–2.38 0.417 0.614 0.163–2.317 0.472
≥ 70 years 0.73 0.172–3.104 0.67 2.63 0.193–35.85 0.468
Histology SCC 0.509 0.335–0.773 0.002 0.973 0.439–2.158 0.947
2 to <4 cm 3.799 1.166–12.38 0.027 0.214 0.048–0.946 0.042
≥ 4 cm 4.631 1.411–15.2 0.011 0.207 0.044–0.985 0.048
LVSI positive 1.356 0.829–2.217 0.226 2.727 0.848–8.774 0.092
Cervical stromal invasion ≥1/2 0.918 0.566–1.489 0.729 1.42 0.593–3.401 0.431
Uterine body invasion 1.6 0.943–2.715 0.082 0.384 0.098–1.515 0.172
Vaginal invasion 1.479 0.966–2.263 0.072 0.633 0.236–1.693 0.362
High‐volume center 0.649 0.407–1.035 0.07 0.37 0.102–1.337 0.129

Note: A. Overall survival; B. Progression‐free survival. “Baseline (radiation)” represents the impact of each factor on the prognosis of patients with adjuvant radiotherapy, and the “interaction term” represents changes in prognosis with adjuvant chemotherapy (compared with adjuvant radiotherapy) with or without each factor. Therefore, a positive (negative) exponentiated coefficient for the interaction term of a factor could be interpreted as evidence of the factor's enhancing (diminishing) effects on the impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on overall survival and progression‐free survival.

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; Exp(coef), exponentiated coefficient; LVSI, lymphovascular space invasion; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.