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. 2023 Sep 11;12(18):19337–19351. doi: 10.1002/cam4.6523


Structured and semi‐structured data on 18 characteristics for 1463 colorectal cancer patients were included in this study.

No metastasis group

n = 854

Metastasis group

n = 609

General information Age (year) 67.18 ± 11.798 67.73 ± 11.661 0.378
Male 502 (0.587) 397 (0.651) 0.013
Female 352 (0.412) 212 (0.348)
Laboratory information AST (U/L) 17.63 ± 6.983 19.87 ± 10.933 < 0.001
ALT (U/L) 13.91 ± 9.080 16.41 ± 13.592 < 0.001
AFP (IU/mL) 3.04 ± 5.218 3.15 ± 6.049 0.705
CEA (ng/mL) 11.07 ± 35.728 55.21 ± 177.338 <0.001
CA199 (ku/L) 26.7 2 ± 78.864 114.55 ± 344.838 <0.001
Clinical history Smoking
No 583 (68.27%) 379 (62.23%) 0.016
Yes 271 (31.73%) 230 (37.77%)
No 620 (72.60%) 419 (68.80%) 0.115
Yes 234 (27.40%) 190 (31.20%)
Weight loss
No 544 (63.70%) 366 (60.10%) 0.162
Yes 310 (36.30%) 243 (39.90%)
Cancer History
No 750 (87.82%) 538 (88.34%) 0.763
Yes 104 (12.18%) 71 (11.66%)
Family History
No 822 (96.25%) 590 (96.88%) 0.519
Yes 32 (3.75%) 19 (3.12%)
Intraoperative findings Diameter (cm) 4.78 ± 2.163 5.04 ± 2.205 0.023
Invasion Range (%) 0.74 ± 0.263 0.76 ± 0.254 0.075
Lower rectum 76 (8.90%) 44 (7.22%) 0.079
Middle rectum 139 (16.28%) 90 (14.78%)
Upper rectum 149 (17.45%) 112 (18.39%)
Sigmoid colon 263 (30.80%) 184 (30.21%)
Descending colon 61 (7.14%) 40 (6.57%)
Transverse colon 33 (3.86%) 22 (3.61%)
Ascending colon 133 (15.57%) 117 (19.21%)
Pathological information Pathology Type
Uplift 244 (28.57%) 185 (30.38%) 0.428
Ulcer 603 (70.61%) 420 (68.97%)
Infiltration 7 (0.82%) 4 (0.66%)
Poor 110 (12.88%) 90 (14.78%) 0.514
Medium 694 (81.26%) 481 (78.98%)
High 50 (5.85%) 38 (6.24%)
Follow‐up information Visiting time postsurgery (Month) 10.49 ± 7.98 8.86 ± 7.27 0.345