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. 2023 May 22;38(3):daad036. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daad036

Table 3:

Crosstabulation between demographic characteristics and support for zoning to restrict supply of ‘junk’# food near school (weighted)^^

Demographic characteristics Support for zoning to restrict supply of ‘junk’ food near school
Total support~  n Neutral@  n Total oppose^  n
Total sample (n = 3780) 2446 791 543
% [95% confidence interval]
61.8 [59.5, 64.1] 22.0 [20.2, 24.1] 16.2 [14.5, 18.1]
Age (n = 4040) in years
 18–24 43.7 [33.7, 54.3] 36.2 [26.4, 47.2] 20.1 [12.5, 30.6]
 25–44 59.2 [54.8, 63.4] 21.0 [17.7, 24.8] 19.8 [16.4, 23.7]
 45–64 63.5 [59.7, 67.1] 20.9 [17.9, 24.2] 15.6 [13.1, 18.6]
 65 and above 67.4 [64.1, 70.5] 20.6 [18.0, 23.5] 12.0 [9.9, 14.5]
Sex (n = 4040)
 Male 61.7 [58.2, 64.9] 22.2 [19.4, 25.3] 16.1 [13.8, 18.8]
 Female 61.9 [58.9, 64.7] 21.9 [19.5, 24.4] 16.2 [14.0, 18.7]
Highest level of education attained (n = 3983)
 Tertiary 69.0 [65.5, 72.2] 16.4 [13.8, 19.4] 14.6 [12.2, 17.3]
 Vocational 62.3 [59.3, 66.0] 22.3 [19.5, 25.4] 15.0 [12.7, 17.7]
 Student 45.4 [33.8, 57.6] 31.6 [21.7, 43.4] 23.0 [13.9, 35.6]
 Secondary 55.5 [50.3, 60.5] 25.9 [21.8, 30.4] 18.6 [14.7, 23.3]
Number of dependants (n = 4034)
 Households with children (0–14 years) 56.9 [51.7, 62.0] 24.6 [20.4, 29.3] 18.5 [14.7, 23.1]
 Households with no children (>15 years) 63.0 [60.6, 65.4] 21.5 [19.5, 23.6] 15.5 [13.7, 17.5]
Household income (n=3396)
 $100K and above 62.4 [57.8, 66.7] 19.1 [15.7, 23.2] 18.5 [15.2, 22.3]
 50K to <100K 60.7 [56.0, 65.2] 23.7 [19.8, 28.0] 15.6 [12.5, 19.3]
 <20K to <50K 64.5 [60.9, 67.9] 22.6 [19.7, 25.7] 12.9 [10.5, 15.8]
Area of residence (n = 4040)
 Most disadvantaged* 62.6 [59.1, 65.8] 23.5 [20.7, 26.6] 13.9 [11.7, 16.5]
 Medium** 60.9 [56.6, 65.0] 19.2 [16.1, 22.7] 19.9 [16.6, 23.8]
 Most advantaged*** 61.7 [57.5, 65.6] 22.9 [19.5, 26.8] 15.4 [12.6, 18.7]
State of residence (n = 4040)
 NSW 59.3 [53.9, 64.5] 24.2 [19.8, 29.1] 16.5 [12.9, 21.0]
 VIC 61.8 [57.1, 66.3] 20.2 [16.7, 24.4] 17.9 [14.6, 21.9]
 QLD 63.7 [58.3, 68.8] 19.6 [15.7, 24.3] 16.7 [12.8, 21.5]
 SA 56.0 [50.6, 61.2] 27.1 [22.6, 32.0] 16.9 [13.1, 21.7]
 WA 65.7 [59.7, 71.3] 21.2 [16.6, 26.7] 13.1 [9.3, 18.0]
 TAS 65.3 [60.4, 70.0] 23.3 [19.2, 27.8] 11.5 [8.5, 15.1]
 ACT 67.5 [61.4, 72.8] 19.5 [15.1, 24.8] 13.0 [9.4, 17.9]
 NT 61.5 [51.7, 70.4] 20.5 [14.0, 29.2] 18.0 [11.1, 27.7]

*Most disadvantaged = range 1–5.

**Medium range = range 6–8.

***Most advantaged= range 9–10.

^^Row % estimated presented.

~Total support = Strongly support + Somewhat support = Proportion in favour of the policy.

@Neutral = Proportion neither for nor against the policy.

^Total oppose = Strongly oppose + Somewhat oppose = Proportion against the policy.

#Junk food refers to discretionary food and drinks high in sugar, salt and saturated fats.