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. 2023 Aug 30;9(9):e19521. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19521

Table 10.

The Effects of Old-Age Populations on Each Compositional Government Spending (as Percentage of GDP) Using Two-step System GMM with Percentage of Old-Age Population as A Proxy for Old-Age Populations.

Variable (Public Admin) (Defense) (Order) (Economic) (Environ ment) (Housing) (Culture) (Health) (Education) (Social Protection)
Percentage Old Pop, ln −0.759** 0.0222 −0.0596* −0.103 0.0477** −0.281*** 0.0360+ 0.0100 −0.0750* 1.516***
(0.001) (0.333) (0.035) (0.640) (0.004) (0.000) (0.073) (0.867) (0.035) (0.000)
GDP per capita 1.410*** −0.0687** 0.0599** 0.425+ 0.0326* 0.102* 0.0672*** 0.147* 0.0827+ 1.318***
(0.000) (0.002) (0.008) (0.057) (0.026) (0.026) (0.000) (0.016) (0.072) (0.000)
Trade to GDP −0.416 −0.0342+ 0.104* 0.708*** 0.0585*** 0.164*** 0.136*** −0.0125 0.0640* −0.0948
(0.146) (0.088) (0.015) (0.000) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000) (0.788) (0.036) (0.745)
Control of corruption −1.756*** 0.0656** −0.118*** −0.320 −0.0181 0.0821 0.0123 −0.0379 −0.00637 −1.181***
(0.000) (0.003) (0.000) (0.297) (0.207) (0.131) (0.431) (0.442) (0.882) (0.000)
Financial Openness −1.754*** 0.172*** −0.0137 −0.589+ 0.0475* −0.137+ 0.0381 0.0436 0.0398 1.362**
(0.001) (0.000) (0.701) (0.084) (0.030) (0.092) (0.301) (0.557) (0.485) (0.003)
Democracy_dummy 1.081*** −0.146*** 0.0823* 0.125 0.0429** −0.0934 −0.0433 0.0963+ 0.165*** 0.419
(0.000) (0.000) (0.033) (0.595) (0.007) (0.133) (0.115) (0.077) (0.001) (0.206)
L.exp_pub_ gdp 0.516***
L.exp_def_gdp 0.888***
L.exp_order_gdp 0.717***
L.exp_econ_gdp 0.307***
L.exp_envi_gdp 0.627***
L.exp_housing_gdp 0.243***
L.exp_cult_gdp 0.575***
L.exp_health_gdp 0.902***
L.exp_edu_gdp 0.870***
L.exp_socpro_gdp 0.573***
Constant 0.729 0.643*** −0.0222 −2.624* −0.548*** −0.729** −1.073*** −0.946* −0.532* −8.567***
(0.666) (0.000) (0.904) (0.011) (0.000) (0.010) (0.000) (0.032) (0.016) (0.000)
N. Obs. 1382 1344 1382 1407 1130 1380 1310 1409 1408 1354
AR (1) p-value 0.0136 0.0156 0.0392 0.00214 0.000508 0.0186 0.0132 0.00330 0.00000124 0.140
AR (2) p-value 0.0224 0.783 0.364 0.0403 0.804 0.302 0.337 0.445 0.782 0.295
Hansen p-value 0.148 0.313 0.175 0.194 0.398 0.395 0.390 0.293 0.132 0.0921

Note: This table estimates the Effects of Old-Age Populations on each Compositional Government Spending using two-step System GMM. The Ratio of each Compositional Government Spending to GDP are Dependent Variables. The Percentage of Old-Age Population is the main Independent Variable. For two-step System GMM, we let the Percentage of Old-Age Population as Instrument, but put lagged Dependent Variable as Endogeneous with collapse option. The p-value of Auto-Correlation 1st and 2nd order, including Hansen's post-Estimation Tests are presented at the bottom Panel. The p-values are presented in parentheses and +p < 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Source: Author's calculation.