Extended Data Fig. 9 ∣. Replicating the Pep30 reporter assay in BAG6 KO cells.
The sequencing-based assay shown in Fig. 5f-h was repeated starting from cell sorting. a, Same as Fig. 5g. b, Same as Fig. 5h. c, full-length Pep30 reporter sequences with a minimum of 3000 reads (all four bins combined) were divided into three groups: those that are stable in wild-type cells (normalized expression >0.8), those that are unstable in wild type cells but are stabilized (increased expression) in BAG6 KO cells, and those that are unstable in wild type cells and are not stabilized in BAG6 KO cells. Shown are the density plot of the hydrophobicity of sequences in each group. d, same as c for the replicate shown in Fig. 5. P values were calculated using two-sided Mann-Whitney U test. No adjustments were made for multiple comparisons.