SLC47A1 is upregulated in classical and mesenchymal GBM subtypes and enriched in the central tumor region. (A) Comparison of SLC47A1 mRNA levels among the groups with GBM subtypes in the TCGA database (CL - Classical, ME - Mesenchymal, PN - Proneural). (B) The correlation analysis between SLC47A1 expression with classical, mesenchymal, proneural GSC markers in the TCGA dataset. (C) GSEA analysis of SLC47A1 expression with glioma subtypes in TCGA dataset. (D) Comparison of SLC47A1 mRNA expression in different GBM regions using the IvyGAP dataset (LE, n = 19; IT, n = 24; CT, n = 111; PNZ, n = 26; PAN, n = 40; HBV, n = 22; MVP, n = 28). LE - leading edge; IT - infiltration tumor; CT - cellular tumor; PNZ - perinecrotic zone; PAN - pseudopalisading cells around necrosis; HBV - hyperplastic blood vessels; MVP - microvascular proliferation. (E) Heatmap of SLC47A1 expression signatures in IvyGAP dataset. (F, G) The expression of SLC47A1 in the Gravendeel dataset based on (E) CIMP status and (F) EGFR amplification status. *P < 0.05 **P < 0.01;***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, ns - not significant.