4. Overview of included studies and quality ratings (original review and this update).
Guidelines | Systematic reviews | Primary studies | |
Original review (Ryan 2021a) | 3 | 11 | 17 |
Cochrane update | 17 | 20* | 0 |
Total included | 20 Quality (AGREE II):
31* Quality (AMSTAR):
17 Quality (design‐specific tools):
* One included review was empty (Moya‐Salazar 2021) and was therefore not assessed for quality or considered further in this update.
AMSTAR ratings categorised as follows (scored out of 11): 1‐4 low, 5‐7 moderate, 8+ high‐quality
AGREE II ratings categorised as follows (mean scores across 6 domains): < 40% low, 40 to < 70% moderate, 70%+ high‐quality