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. 2023 Oct 3;10(10):ENEURO.0089-23.2023. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0089-23.2023

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Protein kinase A activation induces iLTP on hippocampal GCs. A, Top, Schematic of experimental procedure. Bottom, Representative example of a biocytin-filled GC (green) recorded during the experiments. The boxed region is magnified in the right part of the panel and shows a dendritic spine covered dendritic segment. Scale bars: bottom panel, left, 20 μm; bottom panel, right, 5 μm. B, Representative traces of electrically eIPSCs before (Bsl) and after FSK (10 μm) bath application in the absence or presence of PKA inhibitor H89 (+H89, 10 μm). Calibration: 50 ms, 50 pA. The time course of FSK effects on normalized eIPSC amplitude in the absence (FSK) or presence of PKA inhibitors H89 (+H89, 10 μm) and PKI14-22 (+PKI, 1 μm) is shown in the right graph. C, Parts of whole graphs represent the proportion of recorded GCs showing significant increase of eIPSC amplitude after FSK application in the absence (FSK) or presence of PKA inhibitors H89 (+H89, 10 μm) and PKI14-22 (+PKI, 1 μm). Two-sided Fisher’s exact test; FSK versus FSK+H89, p = 0.002; FSK versus FSK+PKI, p = 0.002; FSK, n = 24 GCs; FSK+H89, n = 8 GCs; and FSK + PKI, n = 5 GCs. D, Population data of FSK effects on normalized eIPSC amplitude before (Bsl) and 20 after FSK application in the presence and absence of PKA inhibitors H89 and PKI14-22. Two-way ANOVA; Treatment (FSK, FSK+H89, FSK+PKI): F(2,34) = 13.86, p = 0.0001; Bonferroni’s multiple-comparisons test; Bsl versus FSK, p < 0.0001; Bsl versus FSK+H89, p = 0.27; Bsl versus FSK+PKI, p > 0.99; FSK, n = 24 GCs; FSK+H89, n = 8 GCs; FSK+PKI, n = 5 GCs. E, Representative traces of eIPSC before (Bsl) and after FSK (10 μm) bath application recorded with a low-chloride internal solution. The time course of FSK effects is shown in the right graph. F, Proportion of GCs recorded with low chloride showing a significant increase of eIPSC amplitude after FSK application. G, Population data of FSK effects on normalized eIPSC amplitude before (Bsl) and after FSK application in the low-chloride condition. Two-sided t test; t(12) = 2.772, p = 0.02; n = 7 GCs. *p < 0.05; n.s., nonsignificant. Dots and vertical bars in B and E, and horizontal and vertical bars in D and G represent the mean ± SEM. Dots in D and G represent individual measurements.