(A) Relapse-free survival curve in the 12 months before (dotted line) and after (solid line) BM-MSC infusion shown overall (purple, left panel), in children (blue, central panel), and in adults (red, right panel). Unmatched Cox’s regression and a stratified Cox’s regression for matched pairs between the year before versus the year after of first MSC infusion was carried out. HR, hazard ratio. (B) Number of patients on immunosuppressive agents (prednisone, mycophenolate mofetil, calcineurin inhibitors) at baseline (full plots) and at +12 months (shaded plots) from BM-MSC infusion, shown overall (purple, left panel), in children (blue, central panel), and in adults (red, right panel). Bars represent the sum of patients in each group. Data were compared by Fisher’s exact test. **P < 0.01. †One adult patient was lost to follow-up at +8 months, as detailed in Supplemental Table 2. MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; CNI, calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine or tacrolimus).