Figure 4. Chondrocytes and osteocytes express Tnfrsf11b.
All results in this figure are from 5-month-old male mice. (A–F) ISH performed with a probe for Tnfrsf11b. (A–C) Knee joint and femoral cortical bone. B is a higher-powered magnification of the boxed region in A. (D–F) Vertebral bone. F is a higher-powered magnification of the boxed region in E. G shows ISH performed with a probe for Sost. (H) Distance of Tnfrsf11b+ or Sost+ osteocytes from the nearest femoral cortical surface. Data are shown as mean ± SD and the P value is from a nested ANOVA model. Osteocytes for each gene were measured in 3 mice. Scale bars: 200 µm (A), 100 µm (E), 50 µm (B–D, G), 20 µm (F).