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. 2022 Sep 26;78(10):1834–1843. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glac187

Table 2.

Cross-Sectional Association of Phasor Angle and Phasor Magnitude With Cognition. Adjusted Means or Beta Coefficient (95% Confidence Interval)

Phasor Predictor Trails B Test Completion Time, sec 3MS Score
Minimally* Multivariable Minimally* Multivariable
Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted
Phasor angle, hours
 Continuous, per SD increase (1.30), beta coefficient 1.9 (−1.6, 5.5) 2.0 (−1.5, 5.7) −0.1 (−0.5, 0.2) −0.17 (−0.5, 0.2)
Q1: <−0.967 114.8 (108.9, 121.0) 113.4 (107.5, 119.7) 92.7 (92.1, 93.4) 93.0 (92.3, 93.6)
Q2: −0.967 to <−0.305 119.7 (113.6, 126.1) 117.4 (111.3, 123.9) 92.6 (91.9, 93.2) 92.7 (92.1, 93.4)
Q3: −0.305 to <0.403 114.9 (109.0, 121.2) 112.9 (106.9, 119.2) 92.9 (92.2, 93.5) 92.9 (92.2, 93.6)
Q4: ≥0.403 116.5 (110.5, 122.9) 116.0 (109.7, 122.6) 92.6 (91.9, 93.2) 92.6 (91.9, 93.3)
p-trend .97 .82 .97 .59
Phasor magnitude
 Continuous, per SD decrease (−0.09), beta coefficient 3.7 (−0.2, 7.7) 2.3 (−1.8, 6.6) −0.1 (−0.5, 0.2) 0.06 (−0.3, 0.4)
Q1: <0.175 122.5 (116.0, 129.5) 120.3 (113.5, 127.5) 92.6 (91.9, 93.2) 92.9 (91.2, 93.6)
Q2: 0.175 to <0.238 116.7 (110.7, 123.1) 114.4 (108.4, 120.8) 92.7 (92.1, 93.4) 92.8 (92.2, 93.5)
Q3: 0.238 to <0.303 115.8 (109.9, 122.0) 113.4 (107.4, 119.6) 92.6 (91.9, 93.2) 92.8 (92.1, 93.4)
Q4: ≥0.303 111.4 (105.5, 117.5) 112.1 (106.0, 118.6) 92.9 (92.2, 93.6) 92.8 (92.1, 93.4)
p-trend .02 .12 .57 .80

Notes: A higher value for Trails B completion time denotes worse cognitive function. A lower value for 3MS score denotes worse cognitive function. SD = standard deviation; 3MS = Modified Mini-Mental State examination.

*Minimally adjusted: clinic, age, race, education level, and season.

Multivariable adjusted: clinic, age, race, education level, season, alcohol use, living alone, caffeine intake, depressive symptoms, physical activity, body mass index, history of cataracts that were not corrected, and number of comorbid conditions.

p < .05.