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. 2023 Oct 10;23:1961. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-16866-3

Table 5.

Awareness, attitudes, and acceptability categories by participants’ characteristics

Variables Awareness Attitudes Acceptability
Inadequately aware, n(%) Adequately aware, n (%) N p Value Negative attitudes, n(%) Positive attitudes, n(%) N p Value Low acceptability, n(%) High acceptability, n (%) N p Value
Demographic characteristics
Age groups
16–20 65(69.2) 29(30.8) 94 0.953 4(4.2) 90(95.8) 94 0.019 2(2.1) 92(97.9) 94 0.539
21–30 233(70.2) 99(29.8) 332 47(14.2) 285(85.8) 332 12(3.6) 320(96.4) 332
31–40 139 (70.9) 57(29.1) 196 32(16.3) 164(83.7) 196 5(2.5) 191(97.5) 196
41–49 31 (73.8) 11(26.2) 42 3(7.2) 39(92.8) 42 0 42(100) 42
No formal education 116(89.2) 14(10.8) 130 < 0.01 25(19.2) 105(80.8) 130 0.01 4(3.1) 126(96.9) 130 0.518
Primary 295(67.3) 143(32.7) 438 44(10.1) 394(89.9) 438 14(3.2) 424(96.8) 438
Secondary and above 56(58.9) 56(41.1) 95 16(16.8) 79(83.2) 95 1(1.1) 94(98.9) 95
Christian 458(70.2) 195(29.8) 653 0.134 82(12.5) 571(87.5) 653 0.02 19(2.9) 634(97.1) 653 0.566
Muslim 10(90.9) 1(9.1) 11 4(36.4) 7(63.6) 11 0 11(100) 11
Farmer 429(69.8) 186(30.2) 615 0.165 72(11.7) 543(88.3) 615 < 0.01 16(2.6) 599(97.4) 615 0.337
Civil servant 14(70) 6(30) 20 8(40) 12(60) 20 1(5.0) 19(95.0) 20
Private and Business 25(86.2) 4(13.8) 29 6(20.7) 23(79.3) 29 2(6.9) 27(93.1) 29
Health insurance
Public health cover 453(70.7) 188(29.3) 641 0.573 78(12.2) 563(87.8) 641 < 0.01 19(2.9) 622(97.1) 641 0.402
Civil servant and private health cover 15(65.2) 8(34.8) 23 8(34.8) 15(65.2) 23 0 23(100) 23
Obstetric characteristics
Ever had birth defects
Yes 9(81.8) 2(18.2) 11 0.406 4(36.3) 7(63.7) 11 0.02 1(9.1) 10(90.9) 11 0.211
No 459(70.3) 194(29.7) 653 82(12.5) 571(87.5) 653 18(2.8) 635(97.2) 653
Ever had Still birth
Yes 14(82.3) 3(17.7) 17 0.277 7(41.2) 10(58.8) 17 < 0.01 0 17(100) 17 0.473
No 454(70.2) 193(29.8) 647 79(12.2) 568(87.8) 647 19(2.9) 628(97.1) 647
Current pregnancy trimester
I 112(56.5) 86(43.5) 198 < 0.01 9(4.5) 189(95.5) 198 < 0.01 4(2.1) 194(97.9) 198 0.735
II 157(75.5) 51(24.5) 208 16(7.7) 192(92.3) 208 8(3.8) 200(96.2) 208
III 198(77.0) 59(23) 257 61(23.7) 196(76.3) 257 7(2.7) 250(97.3) 257
First ANC trimester
I 262(67.9) 124(32.1) 386 < 0.01 70(18.2) 316(81.8) 386 < 0.01 13(3.4) 373(96.6) 386 0.604
II 128(75.3) 42(24.7) 170 14(8.2) 156(91.8) 170 5(2.9) 165(97.1) 170
III 75(76.5) 23(23.5) 98 2(2.1) 96(97.9) 98 1(1.0) 97(99.0) 98
Any relative (in at least last 3 generations) diagnosed with GD
Yes 23(47.9) 25(52.1) 48 < 0.01 3(6.2) 45(93.8) 48 0.151 1(2.1) 47(97.9) 48 0.737
No 445(72.3) 171(27.8) 616 83(13.5) 533(86.5) 616 18(2.9) 598(97.1) 616
Yes 1(100) 0 1 0.517 1(100) 0 1 < 0.01 0 1(100) 1 0.864
No 467(70.5) 196(29.5) 663 85(12.8) 578(87.2) 663 19(2.8) 644(97.2) 663
My partner smoke
Yes 13(86.7) 2(13.3) 15 0.165 7(46.7) 8(53.3) 15 < 0.01 1(6.6) 14(93.4) 15 0.371
No 455(70.1) 194(29.9) 649 79(12.2) 570(87.8) 649 18(2.7) 631(97.3) 649
Frequently eat vegetables
Never or rarely 345(70.9) 141(29.1) 486 0.637 76(15.6) 410(84.4) 486 < 0.01 15(3.1) 471(96.9) 486 0.566
More often 123(69.1) 55(30.9) 178 10(5.6) 168(94.4) 178 4(2.2) 174(97.8) 178
Frequently eat fruits
Never or rarely 321(72.5) 122(27.5) 443 0.114 76(17.2) 367(82.8) 443 < 0.01 14(3.2) 429(96.8) 443 0.513
More often 147(33.5) 74(33.5) 221 10(4.5) 211(95.5) 221 5(2.2) 216(97.8) 221
Having a small vegetable yard at home
Yes 371(68.2) 173(31.8) 544 < 0.01 70(12.8) 474(87.2) 544 0.891 17(3.2) 527(96.8) 544 0.386
No 97(80.8) 23(19.2) 120 16(13.3) 104(86.7) 120 2(1.7) 118(98.3) 120
TOTAL 468(70.5) 196(29.5) 664 86(12.9) 578(87.1) 664 19(2.9) 645(97.1) 664