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Table 2.

Connected Pens – Clinical Studies.

Study, year Device Sample size Type 1 or type 2 diabetes Type of trial Primary outcome Secondary outcome
Adolfsson (2020) (26) NovoPen 6 94 T1D Prospective, proof-of concept study Time in range (P < 0.001) Missed bolus doses (P = 0.1352), time above range (P = 0.003), time below range (P = 0.005)
Gomez-Peralta (2020) (30) Insulclock 16 T1D Randomized pilot study Time in range (P = 0.038) Missed bolus doses, time above range (P = 0.0026), time below range
Jendle (2021) (19) NovoPen 6 94 T1D Prospective, proof-of-concept study (continuation of Adolfsson et al. 2020) Cost-effectiveness, time in range Mortality, quality of life, time above range, time below range
Vigersky (2021) (28) InPen 529 T1D or T1D Observational study Time in range (P < 0.05) Time above range, time below range, total insulin doses (all P < 0.05)
Ekberg (2022) (27) NovoPen 6 32 T1D Prospective, proof-of-concept study Missed bolus doses (P < 0.001) Time in range (P = 0.005), time above range (P = 0.002), time below range (ns)
Galindo (2023) (29) Insulclock 80 T2D Randomized, crossover pilot Missed bolus doses (ns) A1c (P = 0.006), mean glucose (P <  0.01), treatment satisfaction (ns)
Chien (2023) (20) InPen 1681 T1D or T2D Retrospective, real-world analysis Number of severe hypoglycemia episodes
(P = 0.008)
Cost savings
Baliga (2023) (31) Bigfoot Unity 58 T1D or T2D Retrospective, real-world analysis Alc (P < 0.001) Time in range (P < 0.05), time above range (P < 0.05), time below range, average glucose (P < 0.05)