Distinct proliferative capacity of intestinal ILC3 subsets. (A and B) Frequency of Ki-67 expression in CD4+ T cells, DN ILC3, NCR+ ILC3 and LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP. (C) Representative histogram of G0/G1 phase, S phase and G2/M phase of CD4+ T cells, NCR+ ILC3 and LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP using a cell cycle dye. (D) Cartoon outlining the key cell cycle stages from cycle arrest to mitosis. (E) Frequency of G0/G1 phase, S phase and G2/M phase of CD4+ T cells, NCR+ ILC3 and LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP using a cell cycle dye. (F and G) Frequency of Ki-67 expression and cell number in TH17 cells in cLP of naïve or C. rodentium infected (day 6) mice. (H and I) Frequency of Ki-67 expression and cell number in LTi-like ILC3 in cLP of naïve or Citrobacter rodentium infected (day 6) mice. (J–L) Frequency of interleukin-22 production in LTi-like ILC3 and TH17 cells in cLP of naïve or C. rodentium infected (day 6) mice. CD4+ T cell, TH17 cell and ILC3 subsets in panels A–B and F–L gated as in Supplementary Fig. S1A, panels 2C–E gated as in Supplementary Fig. S1B. Data shown as mean ± standard error of mean and represent two (E) or three (B, G, I, K, L) independent experiments (n = 6–11). Numbers in flow plot indicate percentage of cells in the respective gate. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001 using unpaired t test (B, G) or Mann–Whitney test (E, I, K, L). CD = clusters of differentiation; DN = double negative; ILC3 = group 3 innate lymphoid cell; LTi-like = lymphoid tissue-inducer-like; NCR = natural cytotoxicity receptor-expressing; ns = not significant; TH17 = T helper 17.