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. 2023 Oct;16(5):658–670. doi: 10.1016/j.mucimm.2023.07.001

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Bcl-2 protects against oxidative phosphorylation-mediated metabolic stress. (A–B) Representative histogram of mitochondrial mass and MFI in TH17 cells and LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP. (C–D) Representative histogram of mitochondrial activity/polarization and MFI in TH17 cells and LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP. (E–F) IL-22 production of ex vivo IL-1β and IL-23 stimulated SiLP LTi-like ILC3 ± 2-DG or Oligomycin treatment. (G–H) Representative histogram of cellular ROS (DCFDA) and DCFDA MFI fold change relative to control following 2-DG or Oligomycin treatment ex vivo in LTi-like ILC3 in SiLP. (I–J) Frequency of LTi-like ILC3 ± ABT-199 and Oligomycin treatment ex vivo in SiLP. TH17 cell and ILC3 subsets in panels A–D, and G–H identified via gating strategy in Supplementary Fig. S1B, panels E–F and I–J as described in Supplementary Fig. S1A. Data shown as mean ± standard error of mean (B, D, F, H) or individual data points (J) and represent two (F, 2-DG in H) or three independent experiments (B, D, H, J) (n = 4–7). Numbers in flow plot indicate percentage of cells in the respective gate. Data in panel J represents paired samples from same animals with or without treatment. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001 using unpaired t test (B, D, H), paired t test (J) or Dunn's multiple comparisons test (F). 2-DG = 2-deoxyglucose; Bcl-2 = B cell lymphoma 2; CD = clusters of differentiation; DCFDA = 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate; ILC3 = group 3 innate lymphoid cell; IL = interleukin; LTi-like = lymphoid tissue-inducer-like; MFI = geometric mean fluorescence intensity; ns = not significant; TH17 = T helper 17; TMRE = Tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester.