Fig. 6. Env- and poly-reactivity of blood memory B cells from eART and lART.
a Density plots showing the t-SNE analysis of circulating blood IgA+ and IgG+ CD19+ cells from eART (n = 5) and lART (n = 4) (2 × 105 cells per group). b t-SNE plot showing the distribution of blood B-cell subsets (based on CD27 and β7 markers) in circulating blood IgA+ and IgG+ CD19+ cells from eART (n = 5) and lART (n = 4). Dot plots comparing the blood B-cell subset frequencies between eART (blue) and lART (red) are shown. The average frequency of positive cells is indicated below each dot plot. c t-SNE density plots comparing the distribution of HIV-1 gp140-specific cells (shown in red), with a phenotypic analysis of these cells based on CD27 and β7 surface expression at the bottom left-hand corner. d Dot plots comparing gp140+ B-cell frequencies between eART (n = 5) and lART (n = 4). The average frequency of reactive cells among total IgA+ and IgG+ B cells is indicated below each dot plot. e Same as in (b) but for polyreactive B cells (PolyR+). Bars in (b), (d) and (e) represent the means. Groups were compared using two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. f Circos plots comparing the antibody sequence relationships between single-cell-sorted mucosal B cells and NGS libraries between cellular compartments. Interconnecting lines indicate sequences sharing identical VH and JH gene segments and at least 90% CDRH3 amino acid sequence homology. Groups were compared using 2 × 2 Fisher’s Exact test. g Bar graph comparing the frequencies of polyreactive (gray and black for IgG and IgA, respectively) and non-polyreactive (white) intestinal memory B-cell antibody sequences found in the blood-derived NGS library between eART (n = 3) and lART (n = 3). Data are presented as mean values ± SD. Groups were compared using 2 × 2 Fisher’s Exact test. h Dot plot presenting the clustering of eART (blue) and lART (red) based on blood SIgA level and frequency of immunoglobulin sequences shared between the blood and the intestinal mucosa. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.