Figure 1.
(A). Axial T2 (left) and sagittal 3D CUBE FLAIR (right) images from brain MRI approximately two months before surgery demonstrate an intraventricular mass with a bubbly appearance centered at the right aspect of the septum pellucidum, near the fornices. (B). Axial T2 image (left) and axial diffusion-weighted image (DWI) (right) one day post-surgery demonstrates swelling and restricted diffusion of the bilateral anterior fornices suggesting forniceal injury. The hyperintense signal on the axial DWI had corresponding hypointense signal on the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map, not pictured here, confirming true restricted diffusion. (C). Axial T2 image approximately 4-months after surgery demonstrates irregular and mildly atrophic appearance of the fornices, compatible with evolution of previously seen cytotoxic edema in this region. (D). Axial T2 image approximately 10-months after surgery demonstrates progressive atrophic appearance of the fornices.