A, B
DPOAE thresholds of P2‐L, P30‐H and control groups. P values indicate statistically significant difference from WT (blue) and Ndp‐KO (red). n = biological replicates. n (WT) = 11, n (Ndp‐KO) = 6, n (P2‐L) = 9, n (P30‐H) = 8.
ABR thresholds of P2‐L, P‐30H and control groups. P values (blue) indicate statistically significant difference from WT. n = biological replicates. n (WT) = 12, n (Ndp‐KO) = 7, n (P2‐L) = 10, n (P21‐H) = 8, n (P30‐H) = 8.
ABR wave latency for each treatment group compared to Ndp‐KO and WT. n = biological replicates. n (WT) = 12, n (Ndp‐KO) = 7, n (P2‐L) = 10, n (P21‐H) = 8, n (P30‐H) = 8.
ABR wave 1 amplitude for each treatment group compared to Ndp‐KO and WT. n = biological replicates. n (WT) = 12, n (Ndp‐KO) = 7, n (P2‐L) = 10, n (P21‐H) = 8, n (P30‐H) = 8.