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. 2023 Oct 9;4(4):102629. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102629
Bacterial and virus strains

Lenti-EV-GFP-VSVG University of Michigan Vector Core Lenti-EV-GFP-VSVG

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

CellAdhere Laminin-521 STEMCELL Technologies Cat#77003
CloneR2 STEMCELL Technologies Cat#100-0691
Geltrex LDEV-Free, hESC-Qualified, Reduced growth factor basement membrane matrix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A1413302
AccuGENE 0.5 M EDTA Solution Lonza Cat#51201
Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS) no calcium, no magnesium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#14190144
Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS) calcium, magnesium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#14040133
Ambion Nuclease Free Water Invitrogen Cat#AM9930

Critical commercial assays

Q5 High-Fidelity 2× Master Mix New England Biolabs Cat#M0492S
QIAquick PCR Purification Kit QIAGEN Cat#28104
DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit QIAGEN Cat#69504
Infinium CoreExome-24 v1.4 Kit Illumina Inc Cat#20039222
TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2 Invitrogen Cat#A36498
Mirus Bio TransIT-LT1 Transfection Reagent Mirus Bio LLC Cat#MIR2300
Precision gRNA Synthesis Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A29377

Experimental models: Cell lines

WA01 (H1) Male Embryonic Stem Cells WiCell Cat#WA01
WA09 (H9) Female Embryonic Stem Cells WiCell Cat#WA09
UM4-6 Haenfler et al.6 N/A
UM139-2 Haenfler et al.6 N/A
CON2E Tidball et al.5 N/A
SCN1B-4A This paper Louis Dang unpublished cell line
SCN1B-6B This paper Louis Dang unpublished cell line


POGZ sgRNA sequence 1: TCGCTCCTCACTCTACTCTG Deng et al.1 N/A
POGZ sgRNA sequence 2: CCTCCTCACATTCCATGAAC Deng et al.1 N/A
Primer to confirm sgRNA1 editing: POGZ Primer Forward 1: GCCTAGTACCTGGTGCCTCA Deng et al.1 N/A
Primer to confirm sgRNA1 editing: POGZ Primer Reverse1: GGCCTCTCAGTTGTTCACTTC Deng et al.1 N/A
Primer to confirm sgRNA2 editing: POGZ Primer Forward 2: TCAGAAGAGCTTTTGTTACCTGTG Deng et al.1 N/A
Primer to confirm sgRNA2 editing: POGZ Primer Reverse 2:
Deng et al.1 N/A

Recombinant DNA

pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro V2.0 (PX459) Ran et al.2 Addgene plasmid #62988
AAVS1-TALEN-L Gonzalez et al.3 Addgene plasmid #59025
AAVS1-TALEN-R Gonzalez et al.3 Addgene plasmid #59026
AAVS1-CAG-hrGFP Qian et al.4 Addgene plasmid #52344

Software and algorithms

ICE CRISPR Analysis Tool Synthego
Genome Viewer v2.0 Illumina


Accutase Cell Detachment Solution Innovative Cell Technologies Cat#AT104
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium/ Nutrient Mixture F-12 (DMEM/F-12), HEPES Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#11330032
mTeSR Plus STEMCELL Technologies Cat#100-0276
Biological Safety Cabinet model: 1300 series A2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#1323TS
Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet model: HeraGuard ECO Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#51029701
CO2 incubator model: HERAcell vios 160i Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#51033557
Inverted fluorescence cell culture microscope model: CKX53F3 Olympus Cat#CKX53
EVOS FL Auto Imaging System Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#EVOSFL
Countess 3 Automated Cell counter Invitrogen Cat# A49865
The STRIPPER Micropipetter with Free Standing Comfort Grip Cooper surgical Cat#MXL3-STR-CGR
Fisherbrand Imetera Diamond Scribes Fisher Scientific Cat#08-675
Borosilicate glass capillary 1 mm × 0.58 cm × 10 cm Sutter Instrument Cat#B100-58-10
Micropipette puller model: P-87 Sutter Instrument Cat#P-87
Microforge Model: MF2 Narishige Cat#MF2
35 mm Petri dish Fisher Scientific Cat#08-757-100A
Falcon Standard Tissue Culture Dishes Fisher Scientific Cat#08-772E
96-well cell culture, flat bottom microplate Fisher Scientific Cat#08-772-2C
Sterile 15-mL centrifuge tubes ASI Scientific Cat#CN50601
1-Channel mechanical pipette Fisher Scientific F123600TG, F123602G
Sterile micropipette tips Fisher Scientific Cat#02-707-432, 1111-2721