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. 2023 Oct 11;7(5):zrad083. doi: 10.1093/bjsopen/zrad083

Table 3.

Impact of various surgical skill teaching methods and their assessment on undergraduate learning

Study Sample Measure of intervention Preintervention score Postintervention score Significance
Surgical skills day
Lee et al. (2020)12 29 medical students Assessment of suturing skills by UK surgeons at various stages of training Mean competency score 1.8(0.33) Mean competency score 5.72(0.17) P < 0.001
Kuo et al. (2022)14 58 medical students Impact of skills day on the perceived confidence in performing skill and preparedness for future practice Not disclosed Not disclosed Significant increase in confidence in performing all GMC recommended surgical skills (P = 0.0001), preparedness for clinical placements (P = 0.0001) and work as a junior doctor (P = 0.01)
Spiers et al. (2018)15 27 medical students Impact of perceived confidence in performing basic plastic surgical skills Suturing: 2.68/5, tying knots: 2.32/5, local flap transposition: 2.14/5, importance of (flap) geometry: 2.55/5, tendon repair: 2.05/5 Suturing: 4.00/5, tying knots: 3.68/5, local flap transposition: 3.82/5, importance of (flap) geometry: 4.14/5, tendon repair: 4.05/5 Not disclosed
Spiers et al. (2019)16 36 medical students Confidence in performing tracheostomies 1.26/5 4.43/5 P < 0.0001
Simulation for learning
Mughal et al. (2015)18 66 medical students across 6 UK medical schools Confidence, self-perceived competence and knowledge before, immediately following and 8 weeks after the workshop Mean confidence in assessing an unwell surgical patient: 2.5/5, mean confidence in commencing initial management: 2.7/5, MCQ mean score: 57.9%, assessing the acute surgical patient: 2.5/5, ordering investigations: 2.9/5, initiating management: 2.7/5 Mean confidence in assessing an unwell surgical patient: 4.4/5, mean confidence in commencing initial management: 4.1/5, MCQ mean score: 70.9%, MCQ mean score at 8 weeks postcourse: 69%, assessing the acute surgical patient: 4.4/5, ordering investigations: 4.2/5, initiating management: 4.1/5 MCQ mean score: P < 0.0001
MCQ mean score at 8 weeks postcourse: P = 0.0039
All 12 tested surgical domains: P < 0.0001
Down et al. (2020)19 14 medical students Perceived confidence in performing surgical skills Not disclosed Handling instruments +0.65,
interrupted suturing +0.9,
continuous suturing +1.45,
subcuticular suturing +1.33,
knot tying +1.22,
excision and closure +1.59,
bowel anastomosis +2.28,
tendon repair +1.78,
artery ligation +1.33
Handling instruments P < 0.001,
interrupted suturing P < 0.001,
continuous suturing P < 0.001,
subcuticular suturing P < 0.0001,
knot tying P < 0.05,
excision and closure P < 0.0001,
bowel anastomosis P < 0.0001,
tendon repair P < 0.01,
artery ligation P < 0.05
Chidambaram et al. (2019)20 21 medical students in the intervention group and 17 medical students in the control group Comparison of written information and simulation training for performing surgical procedures Mean cognitive performance score, control group: 24.7 Mean cognitive performance score, intervention group: 41.9 Not significant P > 0.05
Near-peer learning
Bennett et al. (2018)21 70 medical students Confidence levels in performing 8 surgical domains Not disclosed WHO surgical safety checklist: +3.94, scrubbing: +2.99, gowning/gloving: +3.34, knot tying: +5.53, interrupted sutures: +5.89, continuous sutures: +6.53, vertical mattress sutures: +6.46, local anaesthesia: +3.73 P < 0.05 for knot tying, interrupted sutures, continuous sutures and vertical mattress suture
Preece et al. (2015)22 35 medical students Number of sutures completed 2.3(1.6) 5.3(1.7) P < 0.001

Values are mean(s.d.) unless otherwise indicated. GMC, General Medical Council; MCQ, multiple choice question.