Fig 2. CEOs’ language change over the decade.
Change in language patterns of Reddit users and CEOs before and after the pandemic. The red line represents Reddit post history in the displayed time range (N = 33.7 million posts). The blue line refers to all CEO transcripts in the displayed time range (N = 79,725 transcripts). The vertical Line Represents the onset of the pandemic. Each point is the average score across CEOs (N = 4,707 CEO) and Redditors (N = 1.37 million) at that time block (1 quarter intervals; 3 months). The horizontal shaded areas are 95% CIs for each datapoint, vertical shading represent virus surges. The self-focused language is measured using I-words and collective-focused using we-words. Effect sizes presented are the average effect size at 5 and 10 years for the CEO dataset.