a, On flat areas, actin stress fibres (F-actin labelled by LifeAct-RFP) are anchored to ITGβ5-marked focal adhesion patches. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. b, On nanopillar areas, both ITGβ5 and F-actin accumulate at nanopillars. However, nanopillars with high β5 accumulations usually do not have high levels of F-actin. A previous study shows that the membrane curvature around gelatin-coated nanopillars induces actin accumulation, but the accumulation is highly dynamic with a lifetime of 1-2 minutes31. As curved adhesions are stable and do not form on gelatin-coated nanopillars, we hypothesize that curved adhesions involve a different population of F-actin. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. c, Dynamic correlation between ITGβ5-GFP and LifeAct-RFP in cells cultured on vitronectin-coated nanopillars. There are two distinct populations of the F-actin that accumulate at nanopillars: a stable population of F-actin at high-β5 nanopillars, and a dynamic population F-actin at low-β5 nanopillars. The F-actin intensity of the dynamic population is usually brighter than that of the stable population. Scale: 10 µm. d, On gelatin-coated nanopillars that do not induce β5 accumulation, only the highly dynamic population of F-actin was observed at nanopillars. Scale: 10 µm. e, Quantifications of time-dependent fluctuation confirm two F-actin populations: a stable population on high-β5 nanopillars and a dynamic population at low-β5 nanopillars. Nanopillars with the top 25% and bottom 25% ITGβ5 intensities were grouped as high-β5 and low-β5 nanopillars, respectively. The dynamic population of F-actin on vitronectin-coated nanopillars is similar to the dynamic F-actin on gelatin-coated nanopillars. Therefore, curved adhesions involve a stable subpopulation of F-actin at nanopillars. n = 103/103/153 nanopillars, from two independent cells. Medians (lines) and quartiles (dotted lines) are shown. P values calculated using Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple-comparison. Source numerical data are available in source data.
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