Extended Data Fig. 9. Cell plasma membranes are deformed by 3D ECM fibres.
a, Anti-vitronectin staining illustrates the fibre morphology of IMR-90 lung fibroblast-derived ECM. Z-depth is colour-coded. Scale: 10 µm. b, In 3D ECM made of vitronectin fibres, colocalization of AF647-collagen with immunolabelled vitronectin confirmed the incorporation of vitronectin in ECMs. Scale: full-size, 50 µm; insets, 25 µm. c, 3D super-resolution reconstruction of AF647-labelled collagen fibres. Top left: the widefield diffraction-limited image. Right: the z projection of the 3D super-resolution reconstruction. Yellow arrows point to some individual collagen fibres. Colour encodes the z position. Scale: 5 µm. d, Extracting the diameter of individual fibres. (i) The image shows an example of a resolved individual fibre. Transverse line profiles are taken across the fibre to estimate its diameter. (ii) Localizations from the line profile are binned into a histogram which is then fit to a Gaussian function (orange line). The full width at half maximum is extracted to estimate the diameter. Scale: 1 µm. e, Top and side views (3D projection) of a thick 3D ECM made of AF647-labelled pure collagen fibres. Z depth is colour coded. Scale: 10 µm. f, Representative 3D images (x-z projection) of U2OS cells expressing GFP-CaaX, 72 hrs after being plated on the top of a matrix made of pure collagen fibres (left) or vitronectin fibres (right). Scale: 10 µm. g, x-y image (Z0 plane) and x-z image (Y0 plane) of z-stack images showing the U2OS cells expressing GFP-CaaX in vitronectin fibres, presented in f (right side). Scale: 10 µm. h, Zoom-in x-y images of the area indicated in g showing plasma membrane folding along vitronectin fibres at the middle (z = Z0), bottom (z = Z1), and top (z = Z2) of cells. This result suggests that cell plasma membranes are deformed by 3D ECM fibres. Scale: 10 µm.