Extended Data Fig. 3. Integrin β5 preferentially accumulates at nanopillars in a ligand-dependent manner and recruits talin-1.
a, Fluorescence images of ITGβ5-GFP and plasma membrane marker RFP-CaaX on vitronectin-coated (top) and gelatin-coated (bottom) flat surfaces. Ratiometric images of ITGβ5/membrane (normalized by its mean per cell) are shown in the Parula colour scale. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. b, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) treatment induces a dramatic reduction of ITGβ5-GFP accumulation at nanopillars in a live U2OS cell. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. c, Quantification of the normalized ITGβ5/CaaX ratio at nanopillars and their surrounding flat regions. n = 994/711/994/711 nanopillars and their surrounding flat regions, from three independent cells. Medians (lines) and quartiles (dotted lines) are shown. P values calculated using paired Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple-comparison. d, Time-lapsed images of ITGβ5-GFP and CellMask Orange at Pillar 1 and 2 in Fig. 2e. At Pillar 1, the curved adhesion gradually assembles. At Pillar 2, the curved adhesion gradually disassembles. Scale: 1 µm. e, Fluorescence and bright-field images showing that immunolabelled ITGβ1 does not accumulate at vitronectin-coated nanopillars, while immunolabelled talin-1 does. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. f and g, Fluorescence and bright-field images of immunolabelled talin-1 together with immunolabelled ITGβ1 (f) or ITGβ5 (g) on gelatin-coated nanopillar substrates. Talin-1 colocalizes with ITGβ1 in focal adhesions but does not accumulate at nanopillars. ITGβ5 appears mostly diffusive on gelatin-coated substrates. These results indicate that nanopillar-induced talin accumulation depends on ITGBβ5 and its ligands. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. h, Fluorescence (YPet) and normalized ratiometric FRET images (in Parula colour scale) of the talin tension sensor N-terminal and C-terminal controls. Scale: full-size, 10 µm; insets, 5 µm. Source numerical data are available in source data.