Fig. 3.
Self-healing and assembling performances of DLP printed ACMO-Zn-MUA composites. (a) Schematic illustration of self-healing properties functionalized by reversible hydrogen bonds (green cylinders) and ionic bonds (yellow cylinders). (b) Photographs of cut and healed lattice sheet with ACMO/MUA = 8:2, followed by a 100-g weight-support demonstration. (c) Self-healing efficiencies of the specimens with different formulations after healing at 60 °C for different time. The stress-strain curves of printed composites with (d) 20 wt%, (e) 40 wt%, and (f) 60 wt% MUA after healing at 60 °C for various time. (g) Ashby chart of tensile strength versus self-healing temperature of ACMO-Zn-MUA and various self-healing polymers reported in the literature. The red star denotes the properties of ACMO-Zn-MUA, the yellow triangles show the performance of the self-healable polymers with 3D printability, and the blue circles denote the performance of the healable films. (h) The assembling of a multi-material structure with rigid (ACMO/MUA = 8:2, blue hollow cube) and soft composites (ACMO/MUA = 4:6, yellow hollow cube). Scale bar equals 1 cm.