Likelihood of Being Served by an At-Risk Community Water System Associated With Historical Redlining (HOLC Grade) and Segregation (ICE): Los Angeles County, CA, 2020
Note. HOLC = Home Owners’ Loan Corporation; ICE = Index of Concentration at the Extremes. The adjusted model for percentage graded C or D (model 2; n = 85) controlled for percentage graded B, percentage ungraded, and CWS size. The adjusted model for redlining score (model 3; n = 85) controlled for percentage ungraded and CWS size. The adjusted model for percentage ICE Q1 (model 4; n = 172) controlled for percentage ICE Q2, percentage ICE Q3, and CWS size. The adjusted model for ICE score (model 5; n = 172) controlled for CWS size. Explanatory variables have been scaled in units of SD.