Experiences with healthcare services |
Systemic barriers to care |
Difficulty accessing family doctors |
Long waits |
Equity and social inclusion barriers |
Challenges navigating the unknowns of Long COVID |
Knowledge gap about Long COVID |
Inadequate services for Long COVID |
Illness invalidation by providers |
Negative impacts on patient emotional well-being and recovery |
Feeling of abandonment as they navigate the system on their own |
A myriad of emotional repercussions |
Self-stigma as a barrier to accessing care |
Service and support preferences |
Developing Long COVID-specific knowledge and services |
Improving the Long COVID knowledge gap |
Building treatments and services for Long COVID |
Enhancing support for financial well-being, daily living, and building a Long COVID community |
Financial support |
Support for daily living & coping |
Community building support |
Improving awareness and the public representation of Long COVID |
Education and training |
Building an accurate public representation of Long COVID |