Figure 2.
(a) Schematic representation of the preparation of choline chloride/urea-based DES and differences in the melting points. (b) Molecular representation of the crystal lattices of choline chloride and urea, together with the model of reline (choline chloride:urea, 1:2) after geometry optimization. Adapted with permission from ref (127). Copyright 2017 Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Schematic representation of the choline chloride:urea cluster with the intermolecular interactions in the formed DES (dashed lines) and those already present in the pure solids (dotted lines). Adapted with permission from ref (127). Copyright 2017 Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Spatial density functions demonstrate the probability of the 3D structures of the various parts of (choline chloride:urea, 1:2). Reprinted with permission under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 from ref (128). Copyright 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry.